Junior Member
Nov 10, 2006, 07:15 PM
35 weeks and counting
Hi all it's me Jnet29 I have a question, for the last week I have been having headaches, nausea and I have been seeing spots for two days and my back have been killing me and I'm going to the bathroom like crazy can anyone tell me what's going on?
Nov 10, 2006, 07:20 PM
Ah, the happiness of the last few weeks of pregnancy!!
Have you been to your doctor lately? You should be going probably every week by now.
Headaches and nausea are not uncommon, actually very normal. Back hurting and going to the bathroom is very normal.
Spots? I am not sure about, you should check this out with your doc.
Junior Member
Nov 12, 2006, 03:23 PM
Thank you J_9, I'll be going to see him on the 13th of nov. I'm just a little scared and I'm worried about a lot of things now. Net
Nov 12, 2006, 03:49 PM
Yeah, you are getting down to brass tacks so to speak.
Tomorrow is good. Just be open with him and be sure to tell him everything. He will put your mind at rest.
Ultra Member
Nov 12, 2006, 03:58 PM
I am 34weeks pregnant. The nausea you speak of is normal - your uterus is so big now and you just don't have enough room to fit so much food in which cause this feeling. Its acid building up in your stomach and indegestion. I have been getting it lately. Make sure you eat little and often; rather than eating big meals far apart - however I can recommend 'Gaviscon' - my doctor recommended it to me and it has helped me wonderfully?
The headaches could be dehydration - try drinking more water each day that should help?
Do you know what your having? I am having a girl and I am so excited :)
Junior Member
Nov 15, 2006, 09:38 PM
Thank you J_9, my doctor checked me and the baby and he said we are find and everything is going good so now I'll just sit and wait, he made my appts for every week now that I'm 36 weeks. My next appt is on the 20th then I'll be 37 weeks I'm a little scared. I'll keep you posted. Net
Junior Member
Nov 15, 2006, 09:47 PM
Hi DJ 'H', thank you I have been eating a lot now and feeling sick andI do drink a lot of water, I'm just not getting a lot of rest. I have a big family now a husdand and 4 children and this one one the way makes number 5, They told me I'm going to have a girl but I don't see how they could tell if the baby had it's legs crossed. I am very excited too about her arrival I watch the baby channels all the time I just can't wait to hold her and kiss her and hear her little crys : ). I know you feel the same way about your little princess : )
Ultra Member
Nov 16, 2006, 03:14 AM
Most certainly do feel the same! This is my first so I am pretty sure you have a much better idea than me - but I am so excited and just can't wait to see what she loooks like etc :)
Junior Member
Nov 16, 2006, 10:22 PM
I have to agree with you on that one : )
Ultra Member
Dec 12, 2006, 01:16 PM
Hey best of wishes! You're almost there! As far as the seeing spots, my first pregnancy, my doc told me ( when I was at the end like you) that it could be because my blood preasure was a little bit high. But I guess since you said that you went and he said all was fine so that must not be it. I see spots sometimes if I stand too quickly. Maybe that was it? Haha. I don't know. Best wishes!
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