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    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Aug 9, 2006, 12:01 PM
    34 weeks and counting
    Well the dr said that he wants me to wait till Friday before going into labor. He also wrote a perscription to help make that possible. The babies are 4lbs 4oz and doing great. I have an appointment next week, he said if I make it that long. I am one and a half cm dialated and measuring full term now... probably more since he didn't give me an actual measurement... I think we're getting really close now... I can't wait. Drew's birthday is this Saturday, I have a feeling they are just waiting for that day to show up. Oh and he said that I can try whatever I like to get labor going on Friday... Any suggestions?? Janine I know all about the foot massages I just don't know of a place to get one or have the money to pay for it right now... lol... Any other suggestions??
    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Aug 9, 2006, 06:05 PM
    Just another quick update. I believe that I lost my mucus plug earlier, so I should be going to the hospital here within the next couple of days... if not sooner. I am hoping to make it till Saturday, but I think that's a bit out of reach... Thanks for your support. I'll try to post again later.
    fed up's Avatar
    fed up Posts: 91, Reputation: 6
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    Aug 9, 2006, 07:17 PM
    How exciting. Twins. Double the love. I did that 29 years ago. One of each. A lot of work but worth every second. Let nature takes its course. Congratulations and good luck.
    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Aug 9, 2006, 10:00 PM
    That's what I'm having is one of each... thank you
    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
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    Aug 9, 2006, 10:09 PM
    I know it sounds impossible, but lunges or squats can help.

    our nurse-midwife had my wife go up the stairs doing this crazy "walk"... feet apart, hands on the stairs a few up from the feet for support. Basically she bounced her bottom down, then to the wall on the left, then bounced down again, and bumped the wall on the right. Go up a step and repeat. It was the silliest damn thing I ever saw my wife do... but she had contractions within 20-30 minutes of doing this between some herbs. The only thing is that this can stim contractions, but not necess labor.

    our certified nurse midwife did give my wife some herbs, but they were in a very set order and in set amounts.

    something that can be done... but I'm not sure you should with twins... stimulation of the areola causes oxytocin to be released in the body (as opposed to the synthetic pitocin you might get in the hospital). To do this you stim one side at a time, and you are simulating the suckling of the breast by a baby... so you are kind of rolling with your fingers at the areola. You can do this through clothing or directly on skin. Basically do this for a little while on one side, then wait. After 30 min of waiting if nothing happens, do the other side.

    the reason this can work is that suckling of the newborn causes the uterus to contract and eventually expel the placenta. Our midwife mentioned this as a method to bring on contractions... but she was also not a fan of overdoing it... and with a second baby in there, I might think twice about it. You'd need to talk to your care giver for their professional opinion. Over stim could be similar to using too much pitocin.

    also, as difficult as this might sound right now, intercourse can also induce labor patterns from the prostaglandins and poses no danger for the babies. But I know it just wasn't something my wife was interested in. =) while this sounds clumbsy and perhaps the last thing on your mind, more agree on this method than agree on the breast stimulation.

    and of course then there is the do anything to get you to relax... as this prevents your body from fighting itself when trying to get labor going.

    congratulations... short time!
    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Aug 9, 2006, 10:54 PM
    Thanks Kp... I am going to try and hold out till Friday at least. I don't think I will have any problems bringing on the contractions cause they really haven't gone away. I'm going with my mil to wal mart tomorrow and that ought to be enough stress to make anyone go into labor... lol. If that doesn't work I'm trying your suggestions...
    fed up's Avatar
    fed up Posts: 91, Reputation: 6
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    Aug 10, 2006, 04:27 AM
    When I was expecting the twins we lived on a farm with my parents. My doctor told me that I had to quit work 6 weeks early because he felt the babes would come early. I was so bored that I worked the farm with my mother. It was a berry farm. I squatted every day. When those babies came 2 days off full term, they literally slid right on out. There is a lot to be said for exercises. Good luck. Let us know how everything went.
    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Aug 10, 2006, 06:02 AM
    Will do... Dr has had me on bedrest since week 17. I have been able to do some exercises but not a lot. He didn't want me to develop pre eclampsia due to a predisposition to it. I am taking a med to help me with contractions until Friday when I'm officially 34 weeks. I don't think I would have made it this long if it weren't for the med. I will keep everyone posted as best I can.

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