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Negative blood test and urine test!
[ 11 Answers ]
Hey umm I am 3 and a half months late for my period. And I have taken several home pregnancy test and 1 blood test... all negative.during the 1st month I lost weight and now I have gained weight... just like when I was pregnant with my son. Who is almost 10 months. I've never ever been late...
2 months negative hpt and blood test still no period
[ 2 Answers ]
I am 23 years old and recently stopped taking my birth control pills after 5 years of being on them. I stopped taking them in May and since then have been a week late maybe a week and a half at the longest. The first day of my last period was September the 12th. I have been to the doctor and got a...
Late period, 1 negative test 1 positive test
[ 6 Answers ]
Hello. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 6 months. Previously I lost a baby at 7 months pregnant... looong story... anyway I conceived last time on Clomid. I began Clomid again last month. I am a day late, I took 1 test Sunday (2 days before missed period) it was a faint...
I'm 8 1/2 weeks late with a negative urine pregnancy test
[ 1 Answers ]
I have not had a period in 8 1/2 weeks I went to the dr today and had a negative pregnancy urine test I don't have any insurance I I have not had a blood test but I big time nag I waited for 2 missed periods before checking to see if I'm pregnant but it was negative is there a chance I could be...
Missed Period one negative urine test!
[ 9 Answers ]
Well, my last period was on February 12, 06, it is now April 10 and nothing. I went on vacation to see my boyfriend from March 12 to the 17, on March 15 I had discharge with a string of blood, and that was it. I have sore breast , cramping but no period. I took a urine test at home two weeks after... View more questions Search