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2 missed periods sore nipples negative pregnancy tests?
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Ok so I'll start from the beginning. My last period was on the 7th of July and only lasted for a couple of days with only spotting. I haven't had anything since. I was having nausea and headaches and feeling dizzy which my doctor put down to labyrinthitis but they didn't do any tests to check...
False Negative blood and urine pregnancy tests?
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I am 29 been trying to get pregnant for months... My last period is now almost 10wks ago.(70days) I have been to the doctor several times and several tests have been done... All pregnancy tests come back negative... my progesterone was also low, so doctor said I probably never ovulated... Why? ...
Irregular periods, and pregnancy symptoms, but negative pregnancy test at home
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Hi, Im 19 and I have had irregular periods since January of 09 My last normal period was on Nov 24 of 08 and then I was 13 days late for my period and it was really light. The next month I was only three days late, but my period was barely there. I have been experiencing many signs of pregnance,...
Missed periods, negative pregnancy tests
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Hi! I just turned 25 years old and recently (about 8 months ago) lost my virginity. Before and after I lost it, my periods were always regular until this past April. That was when I had my last one. In January, I had some vaginal bleeding which was not menstrual related but my cycle was still...
Missed Periods, negative pregnancy tests
[ 1 Answers ]
I have not had a period in 2 months and the last one was very light and lasted only 3 days. I have taken 4 pregnancy tests and they are all negative. I am NOT trying to conceive and I am relieved about the test results but also worried about my missed period. What would cause that? I have also been... View more questions Search