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    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Jun 28, 2006, 05:51 PM
    28 week checkup... seven months and counting
    I just thought you might like an update on how things are proceeding with the twins as far as my doc appointments go...

    I started at the dr's at around eight thirty this morning and waited and hour to have my blood drawn to test for the Rh antibodies and for my three hour glucose test... yuck. I got to see my dr. at about nine and he said things are coming alone fine. He checked my swelling and wasn't impressed, can't help that though. Seems like no matter how much I rest I just keep swelling up again. I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment, he didn't mention it so I guess I'm doing OK there... I've only gained 18lbs so far. At ten thirty I got poked in the finger for the first hour of my test.. Had to wait an hour before they got me back to start! I was a little mad at that but hey what could I do... They were short handed today. I passed my ten thirty finger poke and was on to wait till my eleven thirty... *sight* I was soooooo bored. My doc set me up with another appointment in two weeks and from there I go to weekly appointments. I did manage to pass my my test so I don't have to go through that again. Doc said it was pretty much a formality since I failed my hour one by just a couple of points at the last appointment... He said it's because of the twin pregnancy. Anyway other than not getting out of the dr's till noon... which could have been worse... and being really hungry and thirsty, it went pretty well. I came home and ate some yogurt and had my tummy cramp up so I drank some water and went to bed. I was sooo tired. Well that's it for today's check up. If you have any questions let me know and I'll try and answer them the best I can... lol... not sure how well that will be but I'll try.:o
    jduke44's Avatar
    jduke44 Posts: 407, Reputation: 44
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    Jun 28, 2006, 06:22 PM
    Do you have other kids? I can't remember from any other posts. I am glad everything is going well. I feel sorry for women to have to go through all that. It was tough for my wife too.
    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Jun 29, 2006, 04:47 AM
    I have a nine yr old and a three yr old... they don't live with me however. This is the first time I've ever had to do the three hour glucose test... I'm sooo glad it's over.. lol.

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