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Late period, negative pregnancy test
[ 4 Answers ]
Well I have been trying to conceive a baby for about 6 months and I have been having problems. Right now I am 33 days late on my period I have taken several pregnancy test and there all negative. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
2 days late negative test
[ 1 Answers ]
Please cans someone reply I was wondering if some one could help me. My lmp was 03/28/2007 with a regualr 33 days cycle. I OV 04/16/2007, and since then I have been experiancing light cramps. And my breasts are incredibly sore. They feel like a burning tingleing sensation. The areola's are slightly...
Period 15 days late but negative tests
[ 2 Answers ]
My period is now 15 days late & I've taken 5 pregnancy tests, all are negative but I have symptoms of pregnancy, for eg: exhaustion, nausea, lightheadedness, backache, cramps. Could I be pregnant? In 15 years, I have never missed a period or been more than 2 days late
7 days late but test was negative!
[ 4 Answers ]
Hi Im Lacey I'm 19 and been with my partner for the past 15 months. We have never used any protection mainly because I was under the thought I couldn't have children. Jus under 2 years before I met my partner I had a misscarriage I was very young, I just turned 16. I have had 3 stomach...
Late period and a negative test
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi I'm debbie, I'm a week late on my period, I've done a test this morning and it's negative, I'm so confused can any body advise me what to do? View more questions Search