New Member
Jan 24, 2007, 11:15 AM
2 1/2 weeks late and negative pregnancy test
Ok, so I took a pregnancy test at home when my period was 9 days late and it was negative. I have never missed a period before or been late, EVER! I am now 12 days late but want to wait until Sunday to take another one to be sure. I have had very light cramping for the past 2 and a half weeks along with a sore lower back. I have read so many things and people saying such different things. Has anyone over had a pregancy test come up negative and later take one and have it be positive? Or have you ever talked to anyone who has? I am starting to get really confused as to why my period is now almost 3 weeks late and negative pregnancy test. Advice please!
Ultra Member
Jan 24, 2007, 12:12 PM
It is very possible for it to have been a false negative. But it could just be a late period. I was very regular for most of my life, and then it started getting out of wack after having used different bc's and then being off them for a year. Stress, or sickness, or just a change in every day activity can throw it off. It's a pretty sensitive thing really. SOO, I would take a blood test, just to be sure one way or the other.
Jan 24, 2007, 12:55 PM
Buggage is right that there are MANY factors involved in throwing your period our of whack. Age is one of them that you do not mention.
Let me also remind you, if you don't know already, that it is important to take the test first thing in the morning as the concentration of hCG (pregnancy hormone) is higher then. Even if the directions say you can take it any time of day, it is best to do it first thing in the morning.
HPTs are known for giving false negatives. If you do not have any undue stress, sudden weight loss or gain, or anything else, it may be time to pay a visit to your health care provider for a blood test and to make sure there is nothing else going on.
New Member
Jan 24, 2007, 01:01 PM
I am only 22 years old and have been off birth control for over 8 months. I have not been stressed and nothing has been different in my life. I do not want to take a blood test because it is so expensive (I do not have insurance for another 3 months). I was just looking for some advise to see if other people have experienced just completely missing a months period or having false negative pregnancy tests. At this point I am hoping my next one comes out positive I just feel like it has been quite a long time to get a negative result. But then again I have read many women saying they took several tests that came out negative and it was not until they were 6 weeks pregnant that the test came back positive
Jan 24, 2007, 01:05 PM
Mine never came back positive until I was 8 weeks along or more. I have had 4 kidlets.
So, it is possible that you are stressing over it and the period did not come. That happens all the time.
New Member
Jan 24, 2007, 01:47 PM
Your pregnancy tests did not come back positive until you were 8 weeks, is that what you mean? Did you take any before that that were negative? If so how far along would you have been when you got a negative result? And the thing is, everyone keeps saying that I was probably so stressed that my period is just not coming, but to be honest I was not really stressing about it. I am more anxious to know than anything. I mean I do think it is very possible that I could be pregnant, my boyfriend and I have unprotected sex with the pull out method multiple times. Thanks for your responses, it really helps to hear others advise and what other people have experienced first hand.
Jan 24, 2007, 02:22 PM
Being anxious and being stressed release the same chemicals in the body. It is all semantics. So, it is possible that you are anxious/stressed therefore delaying your period.
I took a few that were negative, to tell the truth I don't remember how early they were because that was over 20 years ago. And I learned that I never show positive until at least 8 weeks. It was 4 months with my daughter, including a blood test, that was 14 years ago.
Yes it is entirely possible that you are pregnant since the pull out method, better known as the withdrawal method, is not considered a form of birth control at all.
It would be best to go have a blood test done. If you can't afford one, you can't afford to have a child. I don't mean to be brutal, but insurance does not cover child care, formula, diapers, etc. So, if you can't afford the cost of a blood test, you can't afford a baby.
Ultra Member
Jan 24, 2007, 03:19 PM
And also, a blood test really isn't much more expensive then an at home pregnancy test. (esp if you buy multiple tests to test several times)
Also, 8 months isn't an incredibly long time to be trying to get pregnant. They don't remcommend coming in for fertility testing until after it has already been a year. I got preggy immediately with my first son, but this time around with my second pregnancy, it took me a year(18 months after being off the depo shot) Its all about timing, nature, and at times, just plain luck. You can be completely healthy, both you and your man, and not conceive for several years.
New Member
Jan 27, 2007, 01:36 PM
I was not trying to get pregnant. I am 3 weeks late for my period and have had very very light brown discharge when I wipe yesterday and the day before but today it went away. I am taking another pregnancy test at home tomorrow to see again because last week on Sunday morning I took one and it was negative. But I was writing because I really think I am pregnant and wanted advise as to symptoms and what not. Thanks.
Jan 27, 2007, 04:52 PM
When you take your test be sure to do it first thing in the morning for a more accurate result.
New Member
Jan 29, 2007, 03:55 AM
 Originally Posted by girlygirl22
Ok, so I took a pregnancy test at home when my period was 9 days late and it was negative. I have never missed a period before or been late, EVER! I am now 12 days late but want to wait until Sunday to take another one to be sure. I have had very light cramping for the past 2 and a half weeks along with a sore lower back. I have read so many things and people saying such different things. Has anyone over had a pregancy test come up negative and later take one and have it be positive? Or have you ever talked to anyone who has? I am starting to get really confused as to why my period is now almost 3 weeks late and negative pregnancy test. Advice please!!
I know what your going through Iam 2 weeks late and my last period was 48 days ago. I have done 6 tests all are negative. I feel sick all day, have cramping tummy pains, sore breasts, headache and sore calf musles and back ache!! My doctor said I can't be pregnant but prob have a virus. I have done a blood test last Thursday and Iam waiting for the results... I too just want to know what's going on with my body. Good luck let me know what happens.
Full Member
Jan 30, 2007, 01:18 PM
I went through a similar situation just last month! The only difference is that I am trying to get pregnant. I was three weeks late when my doctor put me on Provera to start my cyle back up. I had the cramping, tiredness, backaches, headaches, the whole lot. My doctor said I just missed ovulation and my period. If you don't have the money for a blood test, go to planned parenthood or a clinic to have it done. It could be a virus, or it could just be your cycle. My doc explained to me that women have an average of 11-13 periods per year. You could have just missed it. You may be getting ready to start your period. Otherwise, all you can do is wait and take another test. Being anxious about it and constantly thinking about isn't going to help your body at all. Go to a clinic and figure it out!
New Member
Feb 5, 2007, 02:35 PM
I went and took a blood test on Monday the Jan 29. It came back negative. My last period was Dec. 11 - 15th. So, I am now 55 days since my last period. I am just waiting to see if it comes Feb 11th. It is so weird because I have never missed a period before. I also think it is so weird that so many women say they had false negatives for weeks. And for the past week and a half my boobs have been really sore like when I was pregnant before. I just wish I knew what was going on. Good luck to you girls figuring out what is going on. Please let me know.
Ultra Member
Feb 5, 2007, 03:23 PM
If you are still concerned that you might be pregnant(and it is possible. Slight, but possible) you can get your doctor to write out a referral for you to get a quantitive(think that is what it is called) blood test. This measures the exact amount of hcg in your blood stream. The other blood test just measures if there is enough hcg in your system to reach the possitive mark, and gives a possitive or negative answer based on that. Sometimes it isn't high enough to register, even on a regular blood test. It could just be that your period is late however. I was later for about 64 days one time, and had a negative blood test, and my period was just messed up, and came like normal after that. You never know. Getting an exam from your ob/gyn can give you a more definite answer as well, as they can give you an exam to see if there are the signs of pregnnacy such as an enlarged uterus, and the blueish purple tint that accompanies pregnancy. Good luck
New Member
Feb 5, 2007, 03:43 PM
Oh my goodness that's what I was just asking a question about.. kind of.. because I took two test one week and negative then the next week 2 positives... and I went and I AM pregnant so good luck
New Member
Feb 5, 2007, 04:53 PM
When did you take your tests that were negative? How late were you for your period and then how late were you when you took them and they were positive? Thanks and congratulations! On Thursday and Friday of last week is when I had slight brown spotting and then took the blood test on Monday so I am wondering if that was implantation bleeding and the hcg levels did not rise yet. I also did do the quantitative test and the level was a 2.
Ultra Member
Feb 6, 2007, 07:39 AM
In that case, you might want to give it a week, then go back and take another quantative test and see if the levels have risen. It could just be that your levels are just rising slowly. Some women don't get possitives (even on blood tests) until they are a few months along. (my friend didn't have hers show up until she was 7 weeks on a reg. blood test) if your level has risen any in one week, then it's a good chance you are preggy
(you can also visit your doc and they can do the exam to look for the other signs of pregnancy.)
New Member
Feb 9, 2007, 06:28 AM
My hcg levels were 8000 on Monday and Wednesday they were 14000... now we have to do another ultrasound on wed the 14th... of all days Valentines day:( I'm just really feeling negative... which I usually don't but when we didn't see the heartbeat on Monday and they"thought" we should have , I've given up all good hope.. can't sleep can barely eat... uhhhh I'm just very depressed!
Ultra Member
Feb 9, 2007, 07:39 AM
Until you know for sure one way or another, it is in baby and mommys best interests to try to relax and take care of yourself. Until the doctors say otherwise, there is ALWAYS hope. You have my prayers. Keep in touch.
New Member
Feb 15, 2007, 02:32 PM
Still no period since Dec. 11th. But negative pregnancy tests still. I took the last at home one Feb, 8. Hope all of you are having better luck! Let me know what happens and if you have any advise for me. Don't know when to do another test becaue I am sick of getting negative reults.
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