Senior Member
Mar 8, 2006, 04:55 PM
12 weeks along
Well I haven't been on recently. I've been working a lot and been really tired. I went to my dr. appt today and heart the babies heartbeat. It sounded so far away... lol... He said that my uterus was big for just 12 weeks and ordered an ultra sound. He said that there were three reasons that this could happen. One being that I didn't shrink back to normal size after the last birth, two I was farther along than we originally thought, or three it could be twins... lol. Well the u/s went fine and I wanted to share our happy news with the friends I've made here. I guess that I'm going to have to start buying two of everything. I'm going to try to include both of the u/s pics.
Ultra Member
Mar 8, 2006, 06:04 PM
Congratulations!! Wow twins, that's really exciting! Do you have any other kids, or are these your first? I guess we will be having our kids around the same time probably. I'm close to 22 weeks right now. I wish you all the best! :)
Senior Member
Mar 8, 2006, 07:44 PM
I have a 9yr old and a 3yr old. Both girls. I'm only 12 weeks but my dr said that generally twins are born early. I'm in shock myself right now... lol... I never even suspected.
Ultra Member
Mar 8, 2006, 08:25 PM
Wow then you're going to have a big family when the twins come! Actually I always wanted 4 or 5 kids, but I might change my mind after giving birth! :p
Uber Member
Mar 8, 2006, 11:28 PM
Congratulations!! Twins... That is what my wife and I would love to have one day!!
Junior Member
Mar 9, 2006, 07:31 AM
Congratulations! If one baby is a blessing than I guess two means you are doubly blessed. :D
Senior Member
Mar 9, 2006, 09:13 AM
The funny thing is I wasn't taking fertility drugs at all and twins don't run in my family or his... I don't know why my body decided to release two eggs (doc says they are more than likely faternal) but there is still a small chance that there identical. I'm really not that old at 27 and I've heard that the older you are the more likely the chance of twins. So I guess everything happens for a reason right.
As for the pain of child birth orange as soon as you see that baby your probably going to forget all about it. That's what happened to me and besides if you have ever had kidney stones they hurt a lot worse than giving birth. I had those at six month along with my oldest... let me just say OUCH!!
Dually blessed yep that's us. I just hope I can get some help in the first month. We are also going to have double the feeding and diapers. Wow... I can't wait.
Hope you get your wish jesushelper. I had hoped for it but never expected it to happen. Lol.
I am not sure how long I'll be able to continue to work. Bedrest is normal for a woman carrying mutiples. I went from a low risk normal pregnancy to a high risk one in the matter of an hour. I wouldn't mind some bedrest right now. I get so exhausted now. I work in a store at the mall so I'm on my feet for anywhere from six to nine hours a day helping people and that's very hard on me now. I will probably quite and take care of the babies when and if I'm put on bedrest. Child care isn't an option now lol... thank you all for your positive replies and I will keep you posted on their development. My next u/s isn't until week 20 and I will try to post pics of them then. Right now were hungry so I think something small is in order. Post again soon
Ultra Member
Mar 9, 2006, 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Myth
As for the pain of child birth orange as soon as you see that baby your probably going to forget all about it. Thats what happened to me and besides if you have ever had kidney stones they hurt alot worse than giving birth. I had those at six month along with my oldest... let me just say OUCH!!!!!!
That's good to know... and actually I HAVE had kidney stones, 3 years back. They are horrible, horrible, horrible! I wanted to absolutely die. So I guess if childbirth isn't as bad, I'm all set to have my big family! :)
If you're so tired, then yeah maybe you should rest more. Do you work full time? At least go down to part time if you can. Myself, I can't imagine working right now. I'm very tired too, and I often sleep in quite late in the morning. I do all the housework and cooking and shopping, plus take care of the cat and dog, and that's more than enough work for me!
Anyway, keep us posted! I'm so excited for you and I wish you a very healthy pregnancy!
Senior Member
Mar 9, 2006, 09:27 PM
I think I'm going to start looking for something online now so that when they are born I can stay at home and work. I'm so tired of working retail in malls. I mean I have great customer service skills and well I'm not really sure what I'm quilified to do online but I can edit papers pretty well and would love to write for someone. I just don't know quite yet. As for going to half time I would love to but we just simply can't afford that right yet. So I'll tough it out for the time being and just sleep when I can. Lol...
Junior Member
Mar 14, 2006, 02:48 PM
Hi Myth I want congratulate you on your twins, I'm a twin to I hope you can keep in touch on what it's like to have twins, because I always wanted to know. make sure you get alot of rest you'll need it. : ) Jnet29
Uber Member
Mar 14, 2006, 03:03 PM
yeah. Two of everything!
wife's friend has twins several months older than my son and its just lovely for us... as we get double hand me downs. =)
I guess one day she was bathing them.. they were around 1 year old.. and she realized that one kept saying "dah-bah" where the other would occasionally say "dah-boo"...
she asked "what's dah-bah"? And the boy pointed to the twin. And of course dah-boo was his "name"
so she got a little paranoid at that moment... knowing that her boys had been developing twin-speak all along and she just realized it. Started looking for other repeated words like she was breaking code, trying to prevent the little schemers from the big cookie heist. =)
anyway congratulations!
Full Member
Mar 14, 2006, 03:08 PM
Congrats!! Having a baby is the most wonderful experience ever, and no pain would ever take that away. Having twins is such a blessing, you are going to be BUSY! Good luck and God Bless!
Senior Member
Mar 15, 2006, 06:08 PM
Thank you all for the wonderful blessings. I'm so tired all the time that all I do is eat sleep and work. I will probably quit work when the doc puts me on bed rest... if he does. If anyone has come across sites that give info on twins just let me know... trying to do some research on what I have to look forward too. Lol... besides being busier than ever and never having time to myself... oh well. That's life. Anyway let me know if you come across anything
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Mar 17, 2006, 07:40 PM
Hey dear, here's a link from OB/GYN Online about multiple pregnancies - but I guess you'll experience it all by now.
Once I find some more on how to cope and still enjoy - I'll send the links along, as soon as I'm out of the hospital myself.
Again, congrats on the twins, and thanks for the caring PM.
Stay with us, and let us know how you are doing.
Love, Chery
The above link will probably get you the whole article without having to sign up.//
Boy, wait until they start dancing the Jig!
Senior Member
Mar 17, 2006, 10:43 PM
They say that your not sapposed to be able to feel the baby move until around 16wks. I have been feeling them move now for a couple of weeks. I guess I should have listened to my body when I though there was just one and I knew it was too early for me to be feeling that already. I guess since there's two maybe since it's so cramped and I feel like I'm 5mo instead of just 3 I could be feeling it. I know from my older children what it feels like so yeah it's just the same only it doesn't really move so much as one will move right after the other... like their getting comfy or something. It's a wonderful sensation. My m/s is starting to go away now, heartburn is taking over though... lol. If it's not one thing it's another.
Thanks for the links chery. We all hope to have you back asap. My next u/s is at 20weeks and I'll probably post it here if I can figure out how I did it in the first place. Lol... my memory isn't quite as good as it was 4mo ago... lol... hormones. Well all I'll keep you posted and I hope you all do the same.
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Mar 18, 2006, 01:17 PM
Hey, dear, they just did a study on pregnant women and found out that during pregnancy, we women use more of our brain and are able to perceive more during this time - so get ready to be doubly-intelligent. As soon as I find the article again, I'll let you know. It's amazing how men find this out by doing a study - we've known it all along! If they had to have the babies, there would not be as many in this world.
On the serious side, enjoy the activity - at least that way you know they are healthy and making the cramped space as comfy as possible - that's really sharing from the start.
Again, lots of luck and stay happy, rub that tummy a lot to tell them hi from me.
Love, Chery
Senior Member
Mar 18, 2006, 10:03 PM
Unfortunately for me I think it's in an area that isn't geared towards work. I really wish I didn't have to right now. Work is pretty stressful. I asked my boss to only work me 6hrs a day and he agreed. I worked 7 today and my hip feels like it's trying to roll out of the joint. I can barely lift my leg it hurts so bad. I'm sure it's just round ligament pain but OUCH!! I'm so tired even after a four hour day that I'm sure isn't even anywhere close to working in a mall in memphis, tn on the weekend (I speak from experience) that I almost wonder if the working is worth it. I figure I'll probably end up on bedrest sooner than later because I've already had preeclampsia with my oldest and well it's more likely to happen this time around. I don't think I've put on weight like I'm sapposed to either but that can change. I am getting all the exercise I need while working. I stand around half the time and the other half I'm walking to put things away, and help irritating customers... lol... I love my customers don't get me wrong. It's just got to be that guy at the end of the day that demands that you don't know what your talking about and has to have a man that's been there a shorter time than you tell him the same darn thing that really gets your hormones raging. Anyway I almost told him off he was such a neanderthal. It would have been a waste of breath though. I will probably give my two weeks when I get put on bedrest. I wouldn't be able to afford child care for the twins at what I make now anyway. Well enough about all that. Thanks chery for the info... I still feel like I can't remember what happened five minutes ago and then when I do it's like a piece of swiss cheese I only remember bits and pieces... I just don't know anymore. I will definitely tell them hi for you. If you ever find a "what to expect week by week for twins" let me know too... I haven't found one yet... thanks again.
P.s. If we left childbirth up to the men I don't think the human species would survive. Oh they might get around to it.. . but by that time it would be too late... lol
Ultra Member
Mar 19, 2006, 11:45 AM
Well I hope you can leave your job soon, Myth. You sound exhausted and it doesn't seem like a dream job anyway, from the sounds of it! Take care, and keep us informed of your progress!
Senior Member
Mar 23, 2006, 02:15 PM
Senior Member
Mar 23, 2006, 08:56 PM
Congratulations.. hun. You are truly blessed.. thanx for sharing such wonderful news with us.
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