New Member
Jan 15, 2006, 12:11 AM
Washing machine drain line
Bought a new place, rather small which has no current space for laundry. We are planning on adding addition which will be usable in 12 months but in meantime want on site laundry. There is utility building 30 feet from house which I have already wired and want to put washer/dryer in that. Existing sewer line runs under this and several linear feet of patio and trees and not exactly sure of location. My thought was to run 2" line to house foundation, raise up 8" to run through crawl space vent, then down again and attach line to black iron clean out. On outside of utility room I was planning on using holding tank with float switch, then using pump to overcome the 8" rise. Sound feasible? If so; would my local Home Depot have tank and pump or should I use Granger? This is temporary set up.
Junior Member
Jan 15, 2006, 05:50 AM
Is there a basin in the basement? If so and if this is temporary why not use that as your drain. Most washing machines are located in the basement so they already have a power assist to push water upwards. If you put a stack high enough from the machine drain pipe, all you would have to do is vent it and the natural slope of the pipe to the house would not require any further assist. If you could do this you would not need to bother with a pump or a holding tank. Good luck. Oh, if you plan to use this set-up in below freezing tempertures you will have to heat the pipe with a coil, but you mentioned that it would be temporary but that is a consideration.
Eternal Plumber
Jan 15, 2006, 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Miguel
Bought a new place, rather small which has no current space for laundry. We are planning on adding addition which will be usable in 12 months but in meantime want on site laundry. There is utility building 30 feet from house which I have already wired and want to put washer/dryer in that. Existing sewer line runs under this and several linear feet of patio and trees and not exactly sure of location. My thought was to run 2" line to house foundation, raise up 8" to run through crawl space vent, then down again and attach line to black iron clean out. On outside of utility room I was planning on using holding tank with float switch, then using pump to overcome the 8" rise. Sound feasible? If so; would my local Home Depot have tank and pump or should I use Granger? This is temporary set up.
augustknight gave you very good advice. Allow me to add my two cents worth.
I don't think you'll need a holding tank since the washers pump is strong enough to lift the discharge 8" up. However you will need a water tight connection and a check valve between the hose and the PVC discharge line.
If you raise the washer side of the PVC discharge line ,( and I would make this line 1 1/2") up 15 1/2" this would give you enough fall, (1/4" to the foot) to take the washer discharge over the 8" rais to drain by gravity added by the pump. Even if you don't wish to drain by gravity and use the pumps force to raise the discharge I don't believe a holding tank and pump will be necessary. Good luck, Tom
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