New Member
Aug 29, 2008, 09:01 AM
Venting drain pipes
Hi am trying to vent this setup for my basement, bathroom but not shure whether I need a vent please view the diagram and give me some ideas.
Home Repair & Remodeling Expert
Aug 29, 2008, 10:09 AM
From you sketch it appears you already have a vent to the roof. Glad to see that stand pipe is trapped and the connection at the laundry tub is a wye.
New Member
Aug 29, 2008, 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by meadowbrook
hi am trying to vent this setup for my basement,,bathroom but not shure wether i need a vent please view the diagram and give me some ideas.
So I don't need to add any more vents?
Home Repair & Remodeling Expert
Aug 29, 2008, 11:19 AM
Have you added anything, isn't this an existing arrangement? What are the distances between the laundry tub/stand pipe and the vent in your sketch?
New Member
Aug 29, 2008, 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by ballengerb1
Have you added anything, isn't this an existing arangement? What are the distances between the laundry tub/stand pipe and the vent in your sketch?
The distance is roughly 6 ft I have replace the drain pipes to 2'' pvc and p-traps which did not exist before the laundry sink has a p- trap every thing seams to work fine , but since I am not a plumber I want make sure I am doing this right thank you so much for your Advise
Plumbing Expert
Aug 29, 2008, 11:35 AM
I think you will need at least one 2" vent to vent your new 4 plumbing fixtures. You can combine new vent with the existing one above siphon level.
New Member
Aug 29, 2008, 11:39 AM
The distance is roughly 6 ft I have replace the drain pipes to 2'' pvc and p-traps which did not exist before the laundry sink has a p- trap every thing seams to work fine , but since I am not a plumber I want make sure I am doing this right thank you so much for your Advise
New Member
Aug 29, 2008, 11:41 AM
Can I use an inline vent and if so where should I place it
Eternal Plumber
Aug 30, 2008, 05:56 AM
AS I look at your drawing I can see three, perhaps four unvented fixtures.
The sinks's a foot out of code and the washer isn't vented. Also the shower isn't vented and what does the "waste Drain" pick up and is it vented? Regards, Tom
Plumbing Expert
Aug 30, 2008, 11:38 AM
Toilet needs drain. Since it is connected to shower, it will draw air from your shower. As result, your shower will "gorrgle" anytime you flush.
Eternal Plumber
Aug 30, 2008, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Milo Dolezal
Toilet needs drain. Since it is connected to shower, it will draw air from your shower. As result, your shower will "gorrgle" anytime you flush.
I think Milo means "vent" instead of drain. Run a vent on the shower and that will take care of the toilet. N ow let's get a vent on the washer. Regards, Tom
Plumbing Expert
Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 PM
Ooops.. of course: I meant "vent" in my previous answer ! It was a typo...
Tom, thanks for reading all posts making sure all is in check !
No big deal! It's my job to monitor all the posts for content , that's what mods do!
Senior Plumbing Expert
Aug 30, 2008, 05:14 PM
Here's how I am interpreting your drawing Meadowbrook...
All in maroon is needed vents. The toilet can be vented by shower vent as long as pipe is 2" pipe to shower and has 2" vent all the way to where it connects into a 2" vent or larger.
The washing machine needs to have a 1.5" vent added and the laundry tray needs a vent above the ptrap.. much like the washing machine. The washing machine drain should be 2" waste if you can and the pipe coming from the ptrap should be about 30 inches tall.
All vents need to connect at least 48" off the floor before connecting into other vents.
I am not sure what the frae sink was? But, any sink requires a vent to be installed above the ptrap... really no different than the laundry sink... ok?
All vents need to come together and then connect into vent stack in basement at least 48" off floor OR can connect all to a 2" vent and run that up through house and into the attic where you can connect it to a 2" vent pipe or larger up there...
Hope this makes sense.
Let us know...
New Member
Aug 31, 2008, 04:46 PM
Can I use an aav for the shower fot the short term? (2) the distance form the shower to tolit is 30'' can I cut to and the vent to It thanks
The wast drain picup the bathroom upstairs and the kitchen
New Member
Aug 31, 2008, 08:54 PM
Hi all this is a new skech of my basement bath and shower please look at and give me some input. The shower drain is 30'' long and I cut it to add the vent it goes up 5" like wise the washing vent with an aav as it can't get to the roof:confused:
Eternal Plumber
Sep 1, 2008, 06:01 AM
This is Marks thread,( why are you ignoring his drawing?) so I'm just going to make a comment. In your last drawing you show a running trap for the shower yet you lable it "P" trap. Any reasom for that?
You have not vented the laundry sink and the washer vent should be placed downstream from the washer trap.. Also You are discharging a major fixture,(your toilet) past a unvented minor one,(your face sink) and you can't do that. And lastly, why AAV's when you have a vent to the roof that you can revent your fixtures back to? Just my 2 cents worth! Good luck, Tom
New Member
Sep 5, 2008, 11:35 AM
Hi I am not ignoring marks drawing, just wanted to highlight in red the positions of the vent I want to be sure because once I cover with concrete it will be hard to go back and break..
You asked about the waste drain. This drain is for the up stairs bathroom, and kitchen, that is a 4'' cast iron pipe that is connected to the main sewer line.. with regards to aav, it is tempoary since I am not sure how to cut the two inch pipe to connect the vent,
Question.. do I cut the shower drain pipe to add the vent? Shower drain is 30'' from toilet wye,
Thanks I do greatly appreciate your king input
Eternal Plumber
Sep 5, 2008, 03:48 PM
Address this first.
You have not vented the laundry sink and the washer vent should be placed downstream from the washer trap.. Also You are discharging a major fixture,(your toilet) past a unvented minor one,(your face sink) and you can't do that. And lastly, why AAV's when you have a vent to the roof that you can revent your fixtures back to?
re4gards, Tom
New Member
Sep 5, 2008, 08:57 PM
I am beging to see the whole picture, one thing you did not say if it's OK to cut the shower drain to add the vent, and if the vents are 48'' off the floor how do I cap this vent, if I do go up to the roof at the moment,
Eternal Plumber
Sep 6, 2008, 03:53 AM
Yes,you may cut a vent in the shower drain. Now, how about the vents for the face sink and the laundry sink. I see a vent to roof over there. If it's a dry vent, (nothing draining into it from above) you can tie all your vents back to that and not have to install any AAV's. Good luck, Tom
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