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Where does black o-ring go on bath tub spout or where on threaded copper pipe?
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Hello, I have a plumbing question. I recently had a plumber come in and fix my tub spout. The leaking tub spout was resolved but after the work had been completed I removed the spout without releasing the underneath screw with an allan wrench (so that I could thoroughly clean a mildew stain...
Attaching copper faucet to copper pipe attached to plastic pipe?
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I have plastic piping in the house which leads outside and then copper piping is outside with a facet attached.. I need to change the facet with torch and solder... if I heat the old one to remove with this heat travel down the copper pipe through the wall and affect the plastic pipe.. I am worried...
Rusted brass screw with flat screw head for bathtub spout
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Screw-on spout removal
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The diverter on our tub is failing. It diverts about 2/3 of the water so I want to Change the spout. It is a screw on type with copper supply line. As I tried to Unscrew the spout the copper supply line began to twist. I could see the pipe Deform. I stopped not wanting to break off the...
A/C not cooling, Small Copper pipe COLD and Large Copper pipe room temp.
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I just moved into a newly constructed townhome and the a/c units are of course new. The A/c is not cooling at all. The machine inside turns on as well as the one outside. The inside A/C makes a strange sucking sound kind of like if you were sipping something out of a cup with a straw and you ran... View more questions Search