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    washoegary's Avatar
    washoegary Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 8, 2005, 03:05 PM
    Tub-Shower unit placement
    I am desiging our new home and want to verify that 2 tub-shower units can be installed in two symmetrical adjacent bathrooms with the drains facing a common water wall. This will be slab on grade construction. The bathrooms will be std 5' x 12' with the tub-shower units installed against the back 5' walls. Will there be proper access to the drain of the 2nd unit, after the first unit is installed? Would it be better to swap the drain ends of both units so they are accessible from the adjoining bedroom and kitchen?

    Thank You
    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Jan 8, 2005, 04:08 PM
    Tub-Shower unit placement
    [QUOTE=washoegary]I am desiging our new home and want to verify that 2 tub-shower units can be installed in two symmetrical adjacent bathrooms with the drains facing a common water wall. This will be slab on grade construction. The bathrooms will be std 5' x 12' with the tub-shower units installed against the back 5' walls. Will there be proper access to the drain of the 2nd unit, after the first unit is installed? Would it be better to swap the drain ends of both units so they are accessible from the adjoining bedroom and kitchen?
    Thank You[/QUOTE
    If you place both drains next to each other on a common wall you will not have access to either one. You have no choice in this matter. The drains must be placed at opposite walls with access panels for each one. If the water's already installed in the 5' wall just extend the supplies up to the attic and tee off for each tub. Good luck Tom

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