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    corkranp's Avatar
    corkranp Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 7, 2007, 08:13 PM
    Tub/shower control location/distance from one another
    Gutted bathroom. Installing new fixtures with new locations. Need to know what the recommended distance the spout is from the tub. The distance the spout is from the one hand control and the distance from the one hand control to the shower head.
    I read the spout is 1" from the tub, the one hand control is 33" from the floor and not sure the distance of from the floor to the shower, maybe 6"?
    iamgrowler's Avatar
    iamgrowler Posts: 1,421, Reputation: 110
    Ultra Member

    Nov 8, 2007, 06:43 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by corkranp
    Gutted bathroom. Installing new fixtures with new locations. Need to know what the recommended distance the spout is from the tub. The distance the spout is from the one hand control and the distance from the one hand control to the shower head.
    I read the spout is 1" from the tub, the one hand control is 33" from the floor and not sure the distance of from the floor to the shower, maybe 6"?
    There really is no standard rough-in height for tub or shower fixtures, although 1" for a tub spout is too low -- It's usually a matter of personal preference.

    If the new tub surround is going to be tile, you might consider placing the spout, valve and shower head at elevations that compliment the tile layout (spout on a grout line between two tiles, same with the mixing valve and shower head) this also makes it much easier on the tilesetter as it is much easier to nip a tile than it is to drill a hole in one.
    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Nov 8, 2007, 07:17 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by corkranp
    Gutted bathroom. Installing new fixtures with new locations. Need to know what the recommended distance the spout is from the tub. The distance the spout is from the one hand control and the distance from the one hand control to the shower head.
    I read the spout is 1" from the tub, the one hand control is 33" from the floor and not sure the distance of from the floor to the shower, maybe 6"?
    Growler's correct. There isn't a standard measure. On our new installations we set the valve about 8 1/2" above the tub rim and the spout 4"' above the rim. We install our shower heads at 76 to 78" off the floor. Good luck, Tom

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