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Toilet Drain Pipe overflows when I flush or drain tub.why?
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When I flush the toilet or drain the tub in my upstairs bathroom, the water overflows from the toilet drain pipe. I snaked this drain after removing the toilet, but the water is still backed up to near the top of the drain pipe. It will slowly drain, but takes hours to clear the drain. Please...
Slow to flush toilet
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To flush my toilet on the lower level of my home you must continually hold the handle down until all the water is gone. If you don't it will stop flushing. If you simply press the handle down and walk away, you'll be sure to find what was left there the next time you use the toilet. Do I need a new...
Toilet slow to flush
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28 year old house on slab. Sinks, tubs, other toilets empty "fine". One toilet fills to the very brim and eventually empties with a glug, glug sound. Used 3 foot snake and plunged several times with little or no result. Just tried snake again with more diligence and patience. Pulled back roots....
Toilet slow to flush
[ 1 Answers ]
I have a Kohler one piece toilet. It is about 4-5 yrs. Old and flushed fine until recently. With any waste in the bowl it is not taking it all down. I took the cover off and the water is at the proper level in the tank. Is is possible there could be a blockage internally? View more questions Search