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Shower and tub valve set
[ 6 Answers ]
After having my last dilemna solved here, I figured it was worth another shot. We are attempting to pick out a shower valve for our shower stall. The one set that we like includes a tub faucet that we don't need as the space has a shower stall only, no tub. My question is... is it possible and...
Diverter valve for Moen faucet
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi, I need to replace the diverter valve (1225) on the kitchen faucet. Do I need to remove the entire faucet to do this? If so how do I do this? Thanks
Leak in shower valve
[ 1 Answers ]
Need some help with a leak in the hot water valve in the shower. It does not leak when the valve is closed, but leaks behind the valve when the hot or the cold water valve is opened up. It appears to me to be a pinhole, but I cannot see it. The leak is only behind the hot (left) even when the cold...
Soldering copper pipe to shower valve
[ 10 Answers ]
I have a shower valve body (brass) and am trying to solder copper pipe to it. For the life of me I can't seem to get the pipe and fitting hot enough to melt the solder. I noticed soldering copper pipe to the drop elbow took more flame heat than normal. Is there some trick when soldering copper...
Shower valve
[ 3 Answers ]
Tom, how are you doing? Can you explain all of the differences to me between a thermostatic water valve and a pressure regulated valve, and which one would be the best to use for my new shower for temp. control. I want to avoid those WOWs when someone turns on water somewhere else in the house.... View more questions Search