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Slow Bathroom Sink Drain - but Tub and Toilet Drain Fine
[ 4 Answers ]
I am hoping that someone can offer a suggestion to solve my problem. We recently purchased a 60 year old home. The sink in one of our bathrooms drains completely fine until the water has run for about 5 minutes and then all of a sudden it starts to back up and then drains very slowly. I have...
Copper sink drain too slow, not clogged which type drain is best
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We just refinished bathroom with double vanity copper sinks. They have a flat grid drain in the bottom, not vented. Is there a different drain that would allow the water to drain easier? We have to swirl water or stir water to get it to begin draining, like there is a suction...
Slow bathroom sink drain
[ 1 Answers ]
Recently we remodeled our third floor bathroom which involved relocating the sink, toilet and tub. Since the remodeling, our new bathroom sink doesn't drain properly. At times it fills up and then slowly drains out, other times it works fine. (The toilet and tub drain fine and they are all...
Slow sink in upstairs bathroom
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Water is slow going down put in Mr. Plumber liquid several times and soesn't seem to help
Upstairs bathroom sink slow drain
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello, again I am at my end with this sink... but still can't afford a plumber! It is the only drain in the house that has this problem. I just tried using my hose and a small nozzel to put high pressure water through the drain in an attempt to unclog it... well here is the funny thing...... View more questions Search