New Member
Jul 4, 2013, 08:35 AM
Slow drain in bathroom sink
I have moved into a home with all new plumbing. The sink in the bathroom drains slow but all other drains in the home work fine. Toilet also flushes fine. I tore the trap apart thinking my kids got something stuck down it but it was clear. I have also snaked the drain and there are no clogs? Any ideas?
Eternal Plumber
Jul 4, 2013, 01:55 PM
Did you pull the stopper and check to see if there is anything caught on the rod a few inches below? Does the stopper lift completely up? Did you snake into the wall? Any other information? Back to you, Tom
Uber Member
Jul 4, 2013, 01:58 PM
Check for hair clogs in the pop up. Disconnect lifter, unscrew the round nut holding the stopper rod, pull out. I have seen them clogged shut with hair.
New Member
Jul 4, 2013, 02:46 PM
 Originally Posted by speedball1
Did you pull the stopper and check to see if there is anything caught on the rod a few inches below? Does the stopper lift completely up? Did you snake into the wall? Any other information? Back to you, Tom
Yes. I have torn the stopper out along with the rod. Its completely clean. I even thought the stopper wasn't lifting high enough and adjusted that. Still doesn't drain. My plumbing doesn't go into the wall as I'm in a ranch home with a basement. I have a picture of the plumbing which doesn't seem right to me. Do you know if I can post it to this sight?
Eternal Plumber
Jul 4, 2013, 06:53 PM
Let me show you how to send attachments.
How do I add pictures and other file types to my post?
A. "Attach" files (including pictures) from your computer. This method puts the attached file below the text of the post.
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Compose your question or answer in the window.
Under the window where you composed your question or answer is a section called Additional Options.
Click on the Manage Attachments button: a pop-up dialog will open. NOTE: The Manage Attachments dialog lists the maximum sizes of the various types of files that may be attached.
Click the Browse button to navigate to the image on your computer and double click the file on your computer: this will return you to the dialog window.
Click the Upload button.
Click the link to close the dialog window OR repeat numbers 5 & 6 to attach another image.
B. "Embed" image(s) from the internet. This method inserts an image wherever you wish within the text of your post.
Click the Insert Image icon above the posting window: A pop-up asking for the URL will open.
Enter the URL of the image in the field then click the OK button.
How do I add pictures and other file types to my post?
A. "Attach" files (including pictures) from your computer. This method puts the attached file below the text of the post.
Click on an Ask or Answer button to ask or answer a question
Compose your question or answer in the window.
Under the window where you composed your question or answer is a section called Additional Options.
Click on the Manage Attachments button: a pop-up dialog will open. NOTE: The Manage Attachments dialog lists the maximum sizes of the various types of files that may be attached.
Click the Browse button to navigate to the image on your computer and double click the file on your computer: this will return you to the dialog window.
Click the Upload button.
Click the link to close the dialog window OR repeat numbers 5 & 6 to attach another image.
B. "Embed" image(s) from the internet. This method inserts an image wherever you wish within the text of your post.
Click the Insert Image icon above the posting window: A pop-up asking for the URL will open.
Enter the URL of the image in the field then click the OK button.
Now on the your problem. The horizontal drain line inside the wall sounds like it may be stop up. Remove the trap and send your snake up into the wall. You will only have to put out 6 feet. Let me know if that help. Good luck, Tom
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