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Slow Bathroom Sink Drain - but Tub and Toilet Drain Fine
[ 4 Answers ]
I am hoping that someone can offer a suggestion to solve my problem. We recently purchased a 60 year old home. The sink in one of our bathrooms drains completely fine until the water has run for about 5 minutes and then all of a sudden it starts to back up and then drains very slowly. I have...
Sink slow to drain
[ 1 Answers ]
I just installed vessel sinks. They have no overflow. They are slow to drain. Is there a trick? When I jiggle to stopper, air bubbles escape and it drains a little better, but not good. Kohler sez it takes a special drain. Is there something I can do?
Slow sink in upstairs bathroom
[ 1 Answers ]
Water is slow going down put in Mr. Plumber liquid several times and soesn't seem to help
Upstairs bathroom sink slow drain
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello, again I am at my end with this sink... but still can't afford a plumber! It is the only drain in the house that has this problem. I just tried using my hose and a small nozzel to put high pressure water through the drain in an attempt to unclog it... well here is the funny thing......
Slow sink drain
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi - I have been having problems with my kitchen sink draining extremely slow. If I put any chemicals down the drain, there is no effect. I checked the trap and it is clean. If I clear it with a plunger it works great, completely drains and runs great for about 30 seconds and then backs up... View more questions Search