Inverter installation on work truck
Hi guys!
I have a 3500W/7500W (peak) inverter I want to install on my truck. With my specific requirements, I think there are two installation options:
1) Install the inverter 30 linear feet (in terms of running the wires) from the battery and run large cables from the inverter to the truck battery, or
2) Install a battery next to the inverter and run smaller wires between the new battery and the truck battery (30 feet away).
I am wondering what size wire for #1 option above (I am getting confused on 00 wire, 1/0 wire, etc.).
I am also wondering what size wire you would recommend for option # 2 above. Further, regarding option #2, would a deep cycle marine battery be best here?
I will be installing a 600 Amp. ANL inline fuse (on positive) and will be running basic power tools off the inverter.
Please advise...
Thank you.