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    brookecroft's Avatar
    brookecroft Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 3, 2006, 12:02 PM
    Shower leak
    We just moved into a brand new 2 story house. About 3 times that we've used our shower it has leaked by water coming out of a light in my kitchen (on the 1st floor). Every time a plumber comes out and looks they cannot find a leak. I am scared because of the electrical that the water is passing through. Why can't they find the leak and what do I do? Before they finished our house I was doing a walk through and I noticed water in the bathtub. So I called the GC and he told me their was a leak but they fixed it. I don't think they did. What can we do?
    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Jul 3, 2006, 02:46 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by brookecroft
    We just moved into a brand new 2 story house. About 3 times that we've used our shower it has leaked by water coming out of a light in my kitchen (on the 1st floor). Everytime a plumber comes out and looks they cannot find a leak. I am scared b/c of the electrial that the water is passing through. Why can't they find the leak and what do I do? Before they finished our house I was doing a walk through and I noticed water in the bathtub. So I called the GC and he told me their was a leak but they fixed it. I don't think they did. What can we do?
    If you're showering in the tub and the plumbers can't locate the leak by checking the drain then it's almost certain the leak comes from faulty grouting where the shower stream hits. Let me explain. The shower pan only comes up the wall for 8 inches or so. The shower stream hits higher then that. The stream hits a crack or a section of grout that's shrunk and runs down the drywall past the lip of the shower pan and out your ceiling.
    Next time you shower note where the stream hits. That's where you'll find your leak. Good luck, Tom
    shunned's Avatar
    shunned Posts: 268, Reputation: 20
    Full Member

    Jul 3, 2006, 05:50 PM
    I agree. This might save you from cutting a hole in your kitchen ceiling to see where the water is coming from.
    letmetellu's Avatar
    letmetellu Posts: 3,151, Reputation: 317
    Ultra Member

    Jul 3, 2006, 06:05 PM
    You said you did a walk through and noticed water in your bathtub, so is it the shower above the bathtub that is causing a leak or is it a separate shower that is in a shower stall? If it is the bathtub take a close look at all the things in the wall like soap dishes.. . You didn't say what your shower walls were made of, and also you don't say if you have shower curtins or sliding tub inclosure. Some times water will leak under the shower door and run down the tub in such a small stream that it is almost impossible to see. Next time you shower put some paper towels beside the tub and see if they get wet.
    As far as I am concerned your plumber and you General should be there doing what ever needs to be done to find and repair the problem.

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