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No water at master bath roman tub faucet
[ 7 Answers ]
We just purchased a slab foundation house in Florida that was built in 2001. The master bath has a garden tub with a Delta 2 handle roman tub faucet. There is no water at all (hot or cold) to the faucet. I tried replacing the stems in the faucet valves but still nothing. I can't locate shutoff...
Problem with hot water faucet in onsuite master bath
[ 1 Answers ]
We have a Delta 2530 series faucet in the onsuite master bath that is causing problems. The water pressure drops way down as the water gets hot. The guest bath has great water pressure in both sinks and the kitchen does as well. My husband checked the meter the other day and the meter turned...
No hot water pressure in master bath
[ 2 Answers ]
Help! The water pressure in my master bath is perfect on cold water but when turned the knob to hot it comes out like a drizzle I read on Google search to open remove the cover for the shower and turn the valve on the actually water line to fully open. Well it was already that way still no...
Low water pressure in master bath only
[ 2 Answers ]
The water pressure in our bath/shower is very poor regardless of hot or cold. I took a stab and replaced the tub/shower valve which made no difference. All other fixtures in the house have surprisingly high water pressure. When the water is coming out of the bath fixture, the shower head sounds...
Good water pressure in Master Bath, but no where else
[ 3 Answers ]
In the past 2 weeks I had low Hot water pressure. I fixed that problem by replacing the inlet and outlet nipple fittings. (Both were clogged/corroded). Now, I have good hot water pressure but only in the master bath and laundry room. The MB is the fartherest point away from the hot water heater... View more questions Search