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Pinhole leaks in plastic hot water lines
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I have a new house (2.5 yrs old). It has plastic water piping and a pump at the water heater to get hot water to the 2nd floor. A little over 1 yr in the house we had 3 pinhole leaks in the hot water line in 2 months. Now I have another one. What is likely causing this and how do you fix it? I...
Refrigerator freon line pinhole puncture on copper tube
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Would an epoxy cement be a suitable repair material on the coper tubing or is the only solution to have it soldered if I wanted to repair the small hole leak?
Copper Pipe Pinhole Leak
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I just broke open my slab in my bedroom to locate a leak. Well I found the leak it's in my copper piping. It is like a pin hole leak. What is the best way to patch this problem?
Toilet bowl - pinhole leak
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Hi, I just changed a toilet bowl due to a pinhole leak - the water level drops overnight. I 've learnt my lesson so I installed the second toilet bowl in my garage on a flat surface, slowly added some water and... the water level still drops. Question: Is the toilet bowl S trap suppose to... View more questions Search