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Can I tie a washing machine drain into a 4" cast iron drain from a upstairs bathroom
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I want to move my laundry room into another room. I know I have a cast iron pipe running down from the upstairs bathroom. Can I tie into that pipe or do I need to do something different?
How to join a cast iron rough-in drain to shower drain?
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Hello. This is my first post. I have done some searching and not finding a way to do this. I have a cast iron rough in drain that I would like to join to a new shower drain. I have already taken out a rough mortar bed that was underneath a prefab shower pan. I will be building a new mortar bed...
2" plumbing rough in does not drain fast
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I'm installing a tub & shower combo in my basement. The 2" pipe after I uncapped it shows the pipe to Go straight down about 2' or so. I wanted to see how it drained because I could smell oder and decided to put some water in this pipe. The pipe filled up almost to the top and slowly went down so...
Can I replace the 4" cast iron floor drain cover myself?
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I have a 4" cast iron floor drain cover that is corroding due to the salty water from when my water softener recycles. How can I replace this drain cover? Do I have to replace with another cast iron drain cover? I'm afraid I'm going to have the same issue in a couple of years if I do. Can I...
Tub Drain -- 1 1/2"pvc to 4" cast iron with hub
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Hi . . . I'm replacing my old cast iron tub with a whirlpool tub. The old drain was a 1 1/2" brass tube tucked into a 4" cast iron drain pipe (with hub), packed with what might be oakum. The seal was fibrous and waxy when I cleaned out the drain, and that's not MY hair :) What's the best way... View more questions Search