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Furnace start up is loud - swooshing sound and motor is loud while on
[ 2 Answers ]
When the furnace starts up it makes a large swoosh sound and is very loud while it it on. Seems to be heating fine and shuts off fine. How can I fix this problem?
Toilet hollow sound when flushing
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Hear a hollow sound when the toilet is flushed like water going into cave. Any ideas on why and how to repair? Thanks.
Hollow drain sound
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When toilet is flushed, tub drain sounds like there is draining in to a hollow barrel.
When toilet flushed I get loud girgling sound through shower drain
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When ever I flush my toilet in my bedroom there is a girgling noise heard through the shower drain,this started happening about 2 months ago.I tried drain cleaner in toilet and shower but didn't make any better at all,I think I have a plumbing vent problem.
Loud Clunking Sound
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I have an Amana Gas-fired Clothes Dryer that is making a VERY loud clunking sound. This just started a few weeks ago. What could this be? Thanks, Mary View more questions Search