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Fan Blower not working in "ON" or "AUTO" in heat or AC
[ 13 Answers ]
Got home from the Brewer game this afternoon and noticed the house was warm(78). Outside was 91. I checked the T-stat and it was set correct. Noticed the air vents weren't blowing anything. Went outside and the condenser and fan was running fine. Then I went downstairs to the furnace unit to see...
Sautering 2" copper to 2" brass
[ 2 Answers ]
Note sure if this is the right forum... my husband is in construction at work right now and they have asked me to find out how to sauter 2" copper to 2" brass? Is this possible... if so how? :D Thanks for any input. CORRECTION: What material do you use to fill in when sautering copper to...
4" Copper sewer union
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi, I'm wondering what's the best way to tap into my 4" copper sewer pipe. Here's the thing, I need to add a 1 1/2" waste line into the sewer pipe in my basement (which runs across one basement wall). Would I be best to use a PVC T (or wye connection) and reduce the pipe size to that, or should I... View more questions Search