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Fan Blower not working in "ON" or "AUTO" in heat or AC
[ 13 Answers ]
Got home from the Brewer game this afternoon and noticed the house was warm(78). Outside was 91. I checked the T-stat and it was set correct. Noticed the air vents weren't blowing anything. Went outside and the condenser and fan was running fine. Then I went downstairs to the furnace unit to see...
"Just for Copper" cold weld
[ 3 Answers ]
At Ace Hardware (and probably other places) there is an item called "Just For Copper" which comes in an Elmer's Glue like plastic bottle. It is a cold weld for copper pipes (brass too) under 2". I have used it in places where I am temporarily putting on an end cap on. It is easy to use since you...
60" bathtub in a 60" space
[ 5 Answers ]
11/07/05 Recently we (as a family) decided to upgrade our 60’s guest bathroom. We removed the 60” cast iron tub (in pieces) and removed the rest of the fixtures in the bathroom. A four (4) piece 60” tub enclosure was purchased to replace the old tub. The bathroom walls are concrete block with...
Heater blows cold when "On", not at all on "Auto"
[ 1 Answers ]
Our gas heater is 7 years old, and has worked fine in the two years we've rented here. This winter though, we can't get it to work consistently. When on "Auto", it doesn't turn on at all, no matter what temperature we select, and when we turn the fan to "On", it simply blows cold air. It...
60" bathtub in a 60" space
[ 2 Answers ]
11/07/05 Recently we (as a family) decided to upgrade our 60’s guest bathroom. We removed the 60” cast iron tub (in pieces) and removed the rest of the fixtures in the bathroom. A four (4) piece 60” tub enclosure was purchased to replace the old tub. The bathroom walls are concrete block with... View more questions Search