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Can same sprinkler pump serve as wet riser pump?
[ 2 Answers ]
In a high riser building of about 100m height, a dry riser system is not visible as the firemen's vehicle can't pump water up to 100m. As such, av decided to have it as Wet riser. At same time I don't want introduce a separate pump to avoid over bloating of project cost. My sprinkler system must...
How do I prime the pump
[ 6 Answers ]
I recently broke my irriagation pipes to my lawn watering system... I have them all reppaired how do I prime the pump.. it just runs no water coming out Bob
Can't get new well pump to prime
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi! Our less than 4 month old well pump lost it's prime, ran until it burned out... So we put in a new pump... this one will not prime... water coming into house is coming in at a very low amount in kitchen... farthest from well... hearing some air and sputter form bathroom spigot... next...
Sprinkler pump is losing its prime
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi all... my sprinkler pump is losing its prime on a daily basis. I have a newly sodded lawn and need to water daily. Could it be the check valve causing this? The check valve has been rattling lately when the sprinklers are on. If anyone has any ideas they would be appreciated. THanks. View more questions Search