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Can I use braided stainless hose as a supply to my well pressure tank's brass tee?
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Replacing an old standard style 30 gallon well pressure tank with a Flotec 36 gallon bladder tank (82gal. equiv.) Because of the location of the pipe fitting coming out of the concrete floor not matching up with the new tank fitting, it seems it would be easier to use a flexible braided stainless...
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This question might be too specific for this forum, but I am hoping someone can help. My wife and I are in the planning stages of an addition to our DC rowhouse. We have check with the zoning office and with the permitting folks and our plans are fine by their standards. Indeed, we are allow...
Supply line won't stop running. Main water supply off
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I was doing some bathroom remodeling and attempted to remove an old supply valve. It would not budge so I decided to cut the copper tubing underneath it and put on a new shutoff valve with a compression fitting. The problem is that water just kept coming out of that supply line. The main water...
Wiring for 2 line phone addition.
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I have office phones that are connected to 4 lines. I want to add a cord-cordless 2 line phone. When I connect the new 2 line phone to the old jacks, I get no dial tone. Opening the jack I found 8 wires. Which colors do I connect to the standard 2 line jack of red/green and yellow/black? The 8... View more questions Search