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    catsluvsushi's Avatar
    catsluvsushi Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 29, 2013, 03:55 AM
    Hot water smell and black specks
    The hot water smells like horrible rotten eggs. Someone suggested it is probably the anodized rod in the tank. A friend replaced it. He drained the tank, not sure if he flushed it or added chlorine. The smell was better for 3 days, though still noticeable, and now it is back to being horrid. Additionally, there are now black specks coming out of all hot water lines. The home is on well and last year it was fully serviced: water checked for bacteria, added a neutralizer, and serviced the water softer. I'm tempted to call a plumber but it would sure be helpful to know the money spent this time will actually fix the problem. I will check and see if the lines going into the tank are copper or stainless steel.

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