New Member
Aug 13, 2019, 12:38 AM
fill valve issue
Need immediate help with a Mansfield type fill valve. After an adjustment, water comes out of the top like a waterfall. Sometimes it can be adjusted to slow down, but it still fills the tank too full to the point water goes into the overflow tube. The toilet shutoff handle fell off, and the main shutoff handle doesn't work, so need an immediate temporary fix. Cannot afford replacing the fill valve, even if the water could be shut off. Could someone detail a quick fix for the Mansfield fill valve (and the toilet shutoff valve)? Thanks.
Aug 13, 2019, 03:31 PM
Does the water shut all the way off by lifting the ball valve? If so lift it so you can replace the toilet shut off ,and then the valve seal or just replace the whole valve with a kit from Home Depot. You might put the handle on for the toilet shut off back on ,or use pliers or channel locks to close the valve at the stem, but replacing that calls for the house shut off valve to be closed.
What kinds of valves and handles are we taking about?
Senior Plumbing Expert
Aug 13, 2019, 03:39 PM
Hi Al10
No quick fix for you, sorry. Use a pair of pliers on the stem of the shut off valve to turn the shut off valve to the off position (HOLD the valve body with a second set of pliers while turning the stem off). Then, replace your Mansfield fill valve with a new Fluidmaster universal fill valve which costs $12.00 at Home Depot (or Lowes or Menards)...and don't tell me you can't afford that...LIFE HAS SOME SMALL EXPENSES, right?
Good luck!
Hi Talaniman
Not clear here?
Ball valve? Did you mean FILL VALVE? If you meant fill valve then lifting the fill valve will not allow this person to, "replace the toilet shut off, and then the valve seal"??
I agree that replacing the whole valve requires a working main shut off somewhere.
Sorry, just that the first sentence you wrote is very unclear and I do not want Al10 to get his hopes up. The fill valve needs to obe replaced, for sure.
Aug 13, 2019, 04:01 PM
Hello Mark,
True that, just wanted his toilet to stop/slow filling while he used pliers on his shut off stem. Was a bit murky though! Wasn't quite sure about his adjustments that's why I asked.
PS just reread what I wrote, more than murky. 8{ Get that toilet shut off and use a bucket from the tub till payday.
Senior Plumbing Expert
Aug 13, 2019, 04:20 PM
"Get that toilet shut off and use a bucket from the tub till payday"
Man, that is the best answer I've seen in months, if not years!!
Aug 13, 2019, 05:48 PM
Thanks Mark
That PHD from the school of hard knocks comes in handy sometimes. 8D
New Member
Aug 17, 2019, 04:05 AM
Being in the middle of difficult and tragic circumstances, not much of a sense humor right now. The water did shut off by raising the ball arm at first, but only after it went into the overflow. Now hisses and drips into the overflow, no more silence. The water is coming upward from the fill valve opening, gushes when flushing. The toilet shutoff valve broke at the handle with the stem included, it is rusted and leaking a small drop at a time. The main shutoff won't budge, if the handle breaks off there is no way to shut it off. No patches or things that may or may not work ideas?
Uber Member
Aug 17, 2019, 06:11 AM
As far as the shutoff valve goes, using a set of vice grip pliers should work quite well if, as I understand it, the handle had broken off. As was said earlier, you might want to hold the valve itself with a pipe wrench.
Can you post a picture of what you are describing in the tank?
Aug 17, 2019, 07:59 AM
I cannot see you solving your problem without dealing with that house shut off valve, so either take a chance of breaking the thing, or call the water company to close it for you, or replace it if defective. Generally they bill you later, but a call to get the exact terms may help you make that decision unless you know a cheap handyman, but there are no quick fixes, and as long as you have leaks and a constantly running toilet, boy your water bill will be pretty high.
Me, I spray the HOUSE shut off with joint breaker, and use a wrench and elbow grease with the water company number handy. I can appreciate being to broke or inexperienced or the lack of tools, or overwhelmed by present circumstances to do anything, so make some calls for reasonable experts so you at least know what kind of dollars your dealing with and go from there. Start with a call to your local water company. You would hardly be the first guy who had to borrow money for those emergencies that pop up in life.
Got NO handy friends with tools and a little experience? Ask your friends if they know someone who can shut that valve off.
New Member
Aug 24, 2019, 12:52 PM
The shutoff valve broke off at the handle with part of the stem inside, it is too rusted to turn and there is a slight leak with the handle removed. The fill valve is still leaking from the top and is starting to make noise. Cannot afford repair, don't know anyone to help, that is why I am asking for advice to at least temporarily fix.
Aug 24, 2019, 01:44 PM
You've called the water company? They can at least get your house water shut off so you can fix the shutoff valve. Leaks such as you have can be as expensive as the fix. There are no short cuts
Uber Member
Aug 24, 2019, 02:59 PM
Al, if there is any way you can attach a pic of that shut off valve it would probably be very helpful.
Junior Member
Aug 24, 2019, 08:55 PM
Undo whatever water level adjustment you made to the ball-type fill valve. Look into replacing the defective shutoff valve, and preferably replacing the ball valve with a Korky or Fluidmaster fill valve as time and finances permit.
Plumbing Expert
Aug 25, 2019, 08:20 AM
1. Turn off main water valve in front of your house, release pressure. Go to your toilet. Remove top of Fill Valve. There is a washer. Clean that washer, or replace, and reinstall. Turn main water valve back ON. Prop the lift arm piece with screwdriver - or any tool that will hold it in upward position, keeping the valve shut.
2. You may try to go to a local plumbing supplier warehouse, that caters to professionals. In the backyard, plumbers usually bring old toilets for disposal. Remove Fill Valve from one of the old toilets - and install in your toilet.
3. Was looking on eBay, Fluidmaster 400A fill valve sells for $5.00. Now, that very affordable.
Hope that helps
Uber Member
Aug 25, 2019, 01:15 PM
He said earlier he cannot turn off the main valve for the house.
Aug 25, 2019, 02:22 PM
The issue is broken rusty broke valves that prevents the water from being turned off to work on the filler valve.
Plumbing Expert
Aug 25, 2019, 02:29 PM
If he has flexible water connector between angle stop and toilet tank, he can kink it for few seconds while he replaces the faulty fill valve
You might be on to something. Kink it and screw in a plug. Then you can just take your time.
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