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Laundry tub faucet question
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My laundry tub attached to the faucet is a tube which leads down to a drain in the basement floor. We have hot water constantly dripping into this tube then to the drain. Why is that tube there. We are just wasting hot water. Thanks
I have a faucet question.
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I have a faucet question. I have a single handle Delta kitchen Faucet, when I bought it I noticed it had 2 water flow settings, but it was something you did when installing, it could be installed lower flow or higher flow. The plumber installed it on the lower flow. I don't mind low flow on the...
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I am considering buying a Glacier Bay Roman Tub Faucet with Pullout shower, Model FR2P4000CP. Can you tell me how long the hose is when fully pulled out to maximum length? How long is the spicket when hose is not pulled out?
Faucet question
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