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Slow Bathroom Sink Drain - but Tub and Toilet Drain Fine
[ 4 Answers ]
I am hoping that someone can offer a suggestion to solve my problem. We recently purchased a 60 year old home. The sink in one of our bathrooms drains completely fine until the water has run for about 5 minutes and then all of a sudden it starts to back up and then drains very slowly. I have...
Up flush bathroom drain and vent
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi all I am looking at building a basement bath and the drain and vents seem simple, but I am concerned. I have purchased a saniflow unit I have raised the floor 7" and will cover it with 5/8 plywood The room is just over 10x10 There are a few issues that I need help with
Sink drain vent
[ 7 Answers ]
I have installed a lovely new sink and want to bypass the unatractive dishwasher disposal vent on my sink. As long as I keep my disposal and dishwasher in good working order can I bypass this plastic piece. I would like to have room for a soap dispenser on my counter top and get rid of this ugly...
New Basement Bathroom - Drain and Vent
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello, We would like to install a new bathroom (well, half bath = sink + toilet) in our basement. Currently, there is a toilet down there, sitting on a cast iron wye off the main sewer line for the house. We want to move the toilet by approx. 8 feet. The final position would be directly above...
Kitchen Sink/Laundry Sink Drain Vent Non-exist
[ 3 Answers ]
The set-up from kitchen sink leading down to drain to basement: 1. Kitchen sink - (R side) - connected to a P drain I think you call it -PVC-, connected to a "metal" T, which has a Studer vent gizmo attached to the top of it, then draining into a metal pipe straight down to the drain in the... View more questions Search