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Some old movie, about cabin in the woods people
[ 1 Answers ]
They got under a barrol the barrol had a slit in the front so they could see where the were going it was a boy and a girl under the barrol they made their way to the water where a boat sat they got in the boat the fanged dog thing did not like the water that's how the two made it to safety.
A short film about an old cabin in the woods
[ 0 Answers ]
There were no people in this short. There was an older sounding woman narrating the film from the perspective of the cabin or shack. It was all about nature retaking claim on the little shack. I don't know how old it is but I would think maybe a couple of years at the most. I would say if...
Looking for an 80's low budget horror film about a ghost in a cabin in the woods.
[ 0 Answers ]
Looking for an 80's low budget horror film about a ghost in a cabin in the woods. In the end we find out the ghost is a little girl who lived there and was murdered. She is buried under the floorboards or in the fireplace with her teddy bear (we see her skeleton). It has a guy in it that...
Cabin Bathroom Vent and Drain Layout
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi, I'm hoping it is not too long to ask a question on this thread. I am in the process of trying to plumb a DWV system for a cabin in the country. Your solution to Rick's question is close to some questions I have but it is hard to tell exactly how the drains run in your diagram. This cabin has...
Venting drain pipes
[ 22 Answers ]
Hi am trying to vent this setup for my basement, bathroom but not shure whether I need a vent please view the diagram and give me some ideas. Thanks:confused: View more questions Search