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    Hazel7777's Avatar
    Hazel7777 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 22, 2010, 07:47 PM
    Cottage style home with low water pressure right side of house / left is okay?
    Hi, My elderly Mother lives in a cottage style home, the kitchen is on the left side and the water pressure is okay. The bathroom, washing machine and outside faucet are on the right side and the water pressure is terrible. The city has checked their part of the lines and say all is well. What is the logical approach to figuring out what is wrong? [I]I have someone coming to look at it in a few days, but hope we don't have the rip out everything![I] Any ideas will be appreciated.

    Milo Dolezal's Avatar
    Milo Dolezal Posts: 7,192, Reputation: 523
    Plumbing Expert

    Jul 23, 2010, 08:03 AM

    Most of the time people confuse Pressure with Volume delivery. You many have plenty of pressure. But since pipes are not refilled fast enough, they loose water volume which than appears like lack of pressure.

    Remove Aerators, shower heads and filter screens on the right side of the house. Run water w/o them installed. See how much flow you get.

    Question: Any (any) pluming work done on the house recently ?
    Hazel7777's Avatar
    Hazel7777 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 23, 2010, 08:27 AM
    The home is 60 + years old and has not had any plumbing work done in the last 10 years (or more) and that would have been for slow drains.

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