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    NorPlan's Avatar
    NorPlan Posts: 425, Reputation: 3
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    Mar 31, 2020, 06:50 AM
    Combining Pex Pipe & Copper Pipe ??
    The Job is one of those "Why Did They Do That".. Have an Inline Shutoff Valve on the Cold Water line to the Kitchen Sink, just decided to start leaking.. Fortunately the leak is coming from the Nut on the right side of the valve itself so I can still shut off the water to stop the leak.. There is Hot & Cold Water Valves in the Furnace Room way before the Problem.. My Question is as it is 1/2" Copper Pipe throughout the House and to Repair there isn't any wiggle room and the Copper Pipe is tight in place. The leaky valve is a 5 1/2" long casing with shutoff lever at one end.. I did try and snug up the leaky nut but that just increased the Drips. What I'm thinking of doing is just remove the valve assembly all together and Replace with a piece of Pex Pipe and use SharkBite fittings (reason for Pex is the flexibility to fit back in place due to the confinement) I said all this because I was told Copper and Pex don't Mix , it would still Leak ?? Thoughts Appreciated, Cheers Thanks
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 31, 2020, 11:47 AM
    I think I would try fixing the shut off valve leak in place, before I started replacing stuff. Its usually an o ring thats bad, found after shutting off the supply to that line, and taking the valve apart via removing the lever arm to get to the valve stem and removing the packing nut.

    Does your valve look like this? This series explains the valves inner workings and notice the O rings on the valve stem. That's where I think your leak is.

    Watch all 5 or so before you decide what's the best way to go about it and pex and copper video is included.
    NorPlan's Avatar
    NorPlan Posts: 425, Reputation: 3
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    Mar 31, 2020, 01:20 PM
    @ {talaniman...Upon 1st Inspection I noticed No Plumber's Tape on the threads at either end where the Nuts turned in to tighten.. I thought of loosening the Nut where the source of the leak is and applying some Plumber's Tape ?? The entire Brass assembly is 5 1/2" long with a 1" long Lever Arm in the middle (inline it's on / 1/4 turn up it's off)Truthfully just what useful purpose it does because it doesn't have anything else split off from it ?? Hence using the Pex Pipe and so on ??
    massplumber2008's Avatar
    massplumber2008 Posts: 12,832, Reputation: 1212
    Senior Plumbing Expert

    Apr 1, 2020, 05:09 AM
    Hi Norplan

    You can certainly use PEX tubing and sharkbite fittings to make a repair, however, sharkbite type fittings require a good amount of flexibility in the pipe to install (if in between inflexible copper pipe), so you would need to purchase a sharkbite REPAIR COUPLING...see image.

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    I would probably cut off the old inline shut off valve and run black or white colored PEX tubing to a new shutoff under the sink...that is probably fastest and even cheapest solution in the end.

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    NorPlan's Avatar
    NorPlan Posts: 425, Reputation: 3
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    Apr 1, 2020, 05:35 AM
    Leaky Valve
    Quote Originally Posted by massplumber2008 View Post
    Hi Norplan

    You can certainly use PEX tubing and sharkbite fittings to make a repair, however, sharkbite type fittings require a good amount of flexibility in the pipe to install (if in between inflexible copper pipe), so you would need to purchase a sharkbite REPAIR COUPLING...see image.

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    Back to you...

    Being 3rd or 4th Owner one has to be prepared for surprises and this is one of them, the Valve is in the Ceiling of the Basement Rec room , there is 2 Heat Vent covers in the ceiling about 6' apart.. One is a Dummy which Thankfully gives access to the Inline Valve which as I say has No Useful purpose.. Cheers Thanks

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