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How to find a single copper water pipe in a group of copper pipes.
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Hi. I just bought a house with two apartments in a 2 story home. Apartment 1 is downstairs and apartment 2 is upstairs. I have separate water meters for each. I have separate water heaters for each. The water heaters and meters are in the basement. I just found out that somewhere in the house the...
What is carbon steel pipes and its edge to black iron pipes
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I have problem choosing the kind of pipes for heating purposes.
Copper or Stainless Steel?
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I'm getting a new refrigerator - which is best for the ice maker's water line - copper or stainless steel (they both are the same price at Best Buy)? Thanks in advance!
Copper pipes to cpvc: still ground the old copper?
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Hi there... again... I have two copper stub outs that come into my garage, one the cold water in, which goes to my waterheater, and one hot water out, to the rest of the house, underground (slab construction). I will be re-plumbing my water heater and adding a bathroom from these lines, but I... View more questions Search