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Basement shower
[ 2 Answers ]
Hello, I am 'modernizing' a 60 yr old rustic shower in a basement. All the plumbing is there however the walls of the stall I plan to tile over has surface mounted copper feeds coming from the ceiling to a couple of 1/2 globe valves then and standpiped up to the showerhead. The walls are...
Basement Shower
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm putting a bathroom in my basement. The plumbing is roughed in. This is the setup: 4 inch stub toilet 3 inch stub (18 inches out of concrete) vent 2 inch stub and approx 12 inches from that is a 12 by 12 covered hole (has a 2 inch capped pipe below the cover) The contractor told me that...
Basement shower
[ 1 Answers ]
I have a basement with nothing roughed in and want to install just a shower. The main drain pipe is within 6 feet of the where the shower will drain. They are both against the same wall where the main drain line runs out of the house. My plan is to cut through the floor and run the shower drain...
Basement shower
[ 16 Answers ]
So here is the problem... My husband installed a new shower head, which works fine. But now the neck of the shower pipe is leaking at the wall and down the wall... Coming out under the walls and making a horrible mess. Is there any way we can fix this or are we going to have to tear something's...
Basement Shower
[ 1 Answers ]
I am building a basement shower stall and relocating the washing machine from one part of the laundry closet to the other. We have a plumber coming in to relocate the washing machine controls and putting in a 34" x 42" shower base. We want the controls for the washing machine to be placed on the... View more questions Search