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Basement Bathroom Rough-in
[ 9 Answers ]
My house (approx 15 yrs old) has a basement bathroom rough-in. It has 3 pipes protruding, one is 4" in diameter, one is 1 3/4" (inside dia.) & the other is 2" in diameter. Assuming, one (4") is for the toilet, one (1 3/4") is for the shower vent and the other (2") is for the shower drain. The...
Basement bathroom rough-in
[ 5 Answers ]
Our house is 3years old and in the basement there are three rough-ins, one is definitely the toilet and one is in the area of the tub(pvc sticking up about a foot and gravel around it)and the third is left side of the toilet... do all three of these need to be vented, or can I join the two 2"...
New Basement Bathroom - Drain and Vent
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello, We would like to install a new bathroom (well, half bath = sink + toilet) in our basement. Currently, there is a toilet down there, sitting on a cast iron wye off the main sewer line for the house. We want to move the toilet by approx. 8 feet. The final position would be directly above...
Basement Bathroom Rough-In?
[ 1 Answers ]
I am planning on finishing my basement. I am new to this type of work, but have always enjoyed doing it myself. I will be installing a bathroom in the area that has been roughed in for it. Unfortunately, I am not sure which pipes are which. I have redone a bathroom in an upper floor in...
Basement Bathroom Rough-In
[ 7 Answers ]
Good afternoon. I am overhauling my basement and I have removed a 10' x 10' section of slab in order to rough in the drainage for a new bathroom. see layout: My first question is what size pipe (using PVC) should I use for my shower drain. I am... View more questions Search