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Dark shadow in my dream that's trying to grab my legs?
[ 6 Answers ]
Every so often I have a dream of a dark shadow at the foot of my trying to grab me.. the scariest one I've had was I went to bed and woke up mind you I was asleep but awke in my dream.. anyway I wake up and see the dark shadow at the foot of my bed isit up and back up to the wall where I try to...
Never sleep late to dream, the dream. Always wake up early to live the dream.
[ 0 Answers ]
I wanted to know who said or wrote the saying? Never sleep later to dream, the dream. Always wake up early to live the dream. Or, Idon't sleep late to dream, the dream. I wake up live the dream.
What does a black shadow mean in a dream
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My sister is in the hospital and not doing well at all. I had a dream something was pushing my head down and I woke up and seen a black figure fly out the window?
A shadow of a shadow person?
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First, I'll set the scene. I'm laying down on my bed on my left side facing my window blinds. On the other side of the room was my digital clock that shined a bright light onto the blinds and it was about two or three in the morning. SO... I suddenly awoke out of a deep sleep for no apparent...
Crazy Dream: Need Interpetation: Spirit present in dream
[ 11 Answers ]
This is a long and strange dream so be patient but, I guarantee you'll have fun with it. This dream has several movements so bare with me, they all came in succession. Phase 1- I'm the son of a wealthy arab woman. She dotes on my quite heavily, seems I'm her favorite son. In a few days, I'm to... View more questions Search