Does anyone know how to do this
A large electromagnet is to be used to generate the required 𝑩⃑⃑ -field in a mass spectrometer device. The parallel plates that make up the velocity selector portion of the device have an electric field strength of 𝜀 = 345 N/C, while the accelerating plates (10 sets in total) have a strength 𝜀 = 265 N/C and each have a separation of 5.00 cm. Electrons are accelerated through the device and detected on a detecting screen as discussed in class
. a) Draw a schematic representation of the device. Make sure to include the direction of 𝜺⃑ -field and the 𝑩⃑⃑ -field and include 2 equipotential lines inside the velocity selector; what is the significance of the spacing between any two lines?
b) If the electromagnet has a length of 30.0 cm and is supplied 3.00 mA, how many turns are needed to produce the B-field required to select only those electrons that were accelerated from rest? The magnitude of the magnetic field generated by a solenoid is B = 𝜇𝑜(N/L)I
c) Where will the electrons be located, relative to where they entered the detecting region?