Full Member
Sep 28, 2014, 08:26 AM
Pesky Mice with Nine Lives?
Usual Routine come Fall set the Mouse Traps , Where they come in is another Venture.. Any good sure fire Mouse Traps out there that guarantee results? I've been using the cheap 0.99 cent spring loaded model.. Hate to say we're getting pretty good at setting them without snapping knuckles.. lol.. Been using a mixture of ground up Warferen & Peanut Butter (more Warferen than Peanut Butter).. lol.. I won't give up setting the traps.. What get's me I've played with the traps enough to get them sensitive that should someone stomp the floor they go off. The Mice are fearless , they'll lick the trap clean without setting it off.. lol... btw the body count since we've started setting the traps this season is up to 7 in 2 weeks time..lol..
Pest Control Expert
Sep 28, 2014, 08:39 AM
Be aware that mice prefer to run along walls. It's an instinct bred from being out in the fields where owls could swoop down and grab them. The snap traps work best when the baited trigger is pointing to a wall and almost if not completely up against it. The mouse has less access to the peanut butter without setting off the trap that way.
If you're using the Warfarin/peanut butter to poison them where you can't set traps, be sure to use chunky peanut butter. You might even wish to add a little birdseed, as seeds and nuts are the natural foods for mice.
Full Member
Sep 28, 2014, 03:06 PM
 Originally Posted by Catsmine
Be aware that mice prefer to run along walls. It's an instinct bred from being out in the fields where owls could swoop down and grab them. The snap traps work best when the baited trigger is pointing to a wall and almost if not completely up against it. The mouse has less access to the peanut butter without setting off the trap that way.
If you're using the Warfarin/peanut butter to poison them where you can't set traps, be sure to use chunky peanut butter. You might even wish to add a little birdseed, as seeds and nuts are the natural foods for mice.
@ Catsmine.. Thanks for the Comeback.. I'll give that a try, makes sense as close to the wall giving them less wiggle room.. lol... The Warferen isn't totally ground to dust , makes for a bit of a chunky mix into the Peanut Butter.. I do put a healthy dose on the flapper without interfering with the hook part.. Took a bit to learn how best to line up the rod so I could pull my fingers away Safely.. lol.. Cheers Thanks
Pest Control Expert
Sep 28, 2014, 04:14 PM
To answer your original question, let me refer you to an old cliche' - If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. Really, the snap trap is probably the best lethal trap there is. There are non-lethal ones, but what do you do with live wild mice if you don't have a snake?
Full Member
Sep 28, 2014, 04:37 PM
 Originally Posted by Catsmine
There are non-lethal ones, but what do you do with live wild mice if you don't have a snake?
10-4.. Got a couple of Rural Roaming Barn Cat's not keeping their Quote up either.. lol..
Pest Control Expert
Sep 28, 2014, 05:18 PM
 Originally Posted by NorPlan
Got a couple of Rural Roaming Barn Cat's not keeping their Quote up either.. lol..
Believe it or not, the best mouser in the domestic animals category is the Parson Russell terrier. The Hognose Corn Snake is the best field mouse repellant bar none.
Full Member
Oct 3, 2014, 05:32 AM
 Originally Posted by Catsmine
The Hognose Corn Snake is the best field mouse repellant bar none.
Just the Discription, Think it's a little to exotic for my climate.. lol.. But Thanks though , been placing the traps closer to the wall to cut down on the wiggle room and it's working... Have a spot that has been yielding results , the Pump sits about 6 inches off the ground on a cement ledge.. Underneath the surface is a ruff surface of poured concrete.. Consequently when the mouse get's into the peanut butter, it wiggles the trap and voilą.. Obviously I can't tell it's age but their not small, a light brown coat with a white belly.. And a few smaller size , grey coats with big ears.. lol.. Cheers. Thanks
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