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Tiny tiny tiny bug on bathroom
[ 12 Answers ]
So just bought a new house. The master bathroom is a tub only which is very clean so I do use/enjoy it. Moved in the seventh of this month and as of yesterday noticed tiny tiny tiny black dots near my sink. I wipe them away thinking its dirt. Then later do it again and realize they are actually...
Little tiny bugs
[ 13 Answers ]
just lastnite I kept noticing I would itch in random places like something was crawling(the crawl pretty fast) on me and it was a very little bug smaller than a period.I have found one at a time randomly Do you know what kind of bug this could be?
Tiny little bugs
[ 5 Answers ]
Last night, I was up all night and kept feeling like things were crawling all over me. When I got up this morning, I looked in better light and there were these teeny tiny little bugs crawling on the bed and up my curtains. What could these things be? They don't bite, but you can feel them. They...
Tiny bugs, look like a tiny brain
[ 7 Answers ]
Hi, It is that time of year again and those brain bugs are back. They fly, are kind of grey and don't seem to do much. They are around my bay windows and other sills, one on a wall here and there but not as much as the Bay. I was told once they might be sill bugs. Have no idea where they come...
What are these tiny white bugs?
[ 2 Answers ]
I worked on a chicken farm last year, and I got an infestation in the carpets clothes,etc I had to wash and disinfect everything but now a year on I'm finding them again in clothes, they are very hard to see and they are white with reddy orange heads, please help it's getting me down and it makes... View more questions Search