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Invisible flying biting bugs
[ 77 Answers ]
A few questions: Has anyone actually had these bugs documented as diptera (midges)? Has anyone experienced a gastrointestinal infestation with them? Has anyone been permanently successful in getting rid of them?
Invisible bugs in couch what could it be,they bite but we don't see any bugs
[ 3 Answers ]
For about 6months the kids have been getting bit well they are on couch,never see any bugs,they don't even know they have been biten into they start itching,what coud it be,I have tried lots of different things to get rid of them nothings working.
Invisible flying,biteing, itchy bugs
[ 0 Answers ]
It looks like it's been a few years since this issue has last been spoken about. 3 weeks ago I notice these nearly microscopic white insects biting me making me itch a little bit. I can only see them as they are jumping from a to b. it looks like some of them might be flying. They are in the car...
Car bugs that bite and invisible are not your imagination
[ 3 Answers ]
Need help, have bugs that have invaded my car. Like one responder wrote, these bugs bite a lot then sometimes at all. I have to shower and wash my clothes because before I realized what they were I was bringing them in house, had professionals to fog and spray house several times to get rid of... View more questions Search