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Apr 15, 2016, 05:28 AM
Garbage Day Nightmare...
Looking for a Sure Fire DIY Remedy, Brew / Concoction to Keep Ravens's from Obliterating the Garbage Bag on Garbage Days.. We Recycle most of it so generally it's just One Bag which to the Raven's is enough to make a mess.. Yes put it in a Garbage Can , problem is most times it's down in the Ditch full of water when we return home...
current pert
Apr 15, 2016, 08:27 AM
The usual 'brews' involve smelly stuff like ammonia.
I too have almost no foody garbage, and sort out anything that isn't foody, even if it isn't recyclable. That way my garbage-garbage fits in a tiny shopping bag, and I keep it in the freezer, because of mice.
Full Member
Apr 16, 2016, 04:56 AM
 Originally Posted by joypulv
The usual 'brews' involve smelly stuff like ammonia.
I too have almost no foody garbage, and sort out anything that isn't foody, even if it isn't recyclable. That way my garbage-garbage fits in a tiny shopping bag, and I keep it in the freezer, because of mice.
They have a Green Bin Program in the Big City , which Is / Has Been a Total Cluster ____ since Inception.. City Council went into this with their Eyes Wide Shut, Thankful We live Outside City Boundaries so we won't have any part of Paying for this Boondoggle... Sorry Nuff Said will keep a Spray Bottle handy full of some Putrid Mix, Cheers Thanks..
Apr 16, 2016, 05:50 AM
The garbage collectors may agree to you using a BIN with a lid on it, since they have to throw your bags in a truck anyway. Talk to them and see if its possible.
Full Member
Apr 16, 2016, 06:01 AM
 Originally Posted by talaniman
The garbage collectors may agree to you using a BIN with a lid on it, since they have to throw your bags in a truck anyway. Talk to them and see if its possible.
Speaking to the Driver & Helper could be an Option.. lol.. We have Deep Ditches and Plenty of Fast Moving Water, more often than not the Garbage Can ends up in the Ditch waiting for me.. lol..
Apr 16, 2016, 06:36 AM
Latch it and anchor it to the ground. I remember well the days of outsmarting the hungry 4 legged critters who love the easy meals. You can do the same with an aluminum can and a tie down cord, and drive a pipe/post as an anchor into the ground.
How do your neighbors deal with those fast running waters, and deep ditches?
Full Member
Apr 16, 2016, 01:46 PM
 Originally Posted by talaniman
Latch it and anchor it to the ground. I remember well the days of outsmarting the hungry 4 legged critters who love the easy meals. You can do the same with an aluminum can and a tie down cord, and drive a pipe/post as an anchor into the ground.
How do your neighbors deal with those fast running waters, and deep ditches?
The Problem is the Window of Time Garbage is sitting at the Road from 7:30/9:30am... Can't always be around to Retreave Can or Recycle Bin to put them away immediately after Garbage Truck has passed by, otherwise the Cans & Bins are kept in a Shed by the House.. In reference to the Neighbor, just last week they had a large carboard box for recycling.. Wind caught it consquently it missed Pickup.. Landed in the Ditch... (Dreaming) G/T Helper has a long handled probe , could have easily snared cardboard box..lol...
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