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History of my home
[ 4 Answers ]
We recently purchased a new home located on 12525 Elm Street in Blue Island Illinois 60406. The previous owner mentioned something about his family seeing ghosts/spirits around the house. Would you happen to have any history on this house? Please see attached picture.
History of my Home
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I was wondering where I would be able to find the history of my house? Like if it was ever involved in a fire? When it was rebuilt?
History Of my Home
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How do I find the History of my Home?
History of my home
[ 2 Answers ]
Recently I was told about a crime that happened at my home years ago. How do I look up the history on the home?
History of my home
[ 1 Answers ]
My raised ranch was built in 1966. As far as I know only one family lived here. Reason for the sell was the housewas to big for the widowed wife who's husband passed some years back. I have now lived here for almost 2 years. It's nothing scary but I am curious. Sometimes I feel as though someone... View more questions Search