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    nunyacortes's Avatar
    nunyacortes Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 10, 2011, 05:20 PM
    Are half human half dogs real?
    Um, I have been experiencing weird changes. Not normal changes like puberty, these are... Different I fear I am turning into a Werewolf! I know you think I am crazy, but I'm not! Today I got so made I was very close to snarling at my friend, when I rolled up my shirt I wanted to play tug n' war... With my MOUTH (That's NOT natural), and also I sometimes howl at the moon, well want to anyway. Before when I was so mad I was on the urge of cracking, my ears got pointer than usual, too. Also, as I get older the symptoms worsen. HELP ME! THIS IS NUTS!

    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Oct 10, 2011, 05:34 PM
    No, werewolves are not real. We all have werewolf in us though.
    Are you male? We women know all about howling at the moon when we have our periods. Our hormones fluctuate wildly and we feel angry, irritable, crazy, violent. Pregnant women get weird cravings. Post partum depression can bring on hallucinations and mothers who think they have to kill their babies (and do).
    So if you are male, you have different hormones and body chemistry, although we share a lot too.
    How old are you? If under 21 you may have a lot more testosterone than other guys, or fluctuating homrones of all kinds (adreneline etc). They usually even out after 20 or so.
    You could have childhood problems too, a mean parent, memories of a violent act, or some tragedy?
    You could be developing a mental illness, even though you say you aren't crazy. It happens!
    You could just be like a lot of people with emotions out of check. You could even have food allergies. Your mother could have had too much alcohol while pregnant with you.
    Talk to someone, a best friend, to find out what they think about you, to see if you are overdoing it or if friends are concerned.
    hauntinghelper's Avatar
    hauntinghelper Posts: 2,854, Reputation: 290
    Paranormal and Spiritual Interests

    Oct 10, 2011, 06:06 PM
    In all seriousness though, it is hard to take claims like this for real on the internet. I do not believe in werewolves, but I do believe in demonic powers that are able to do mind blowing things through and to humans. If you are joking.. hahaha, that was so funny. If you're serious, your help is not going to come over the internet.
    game_stalker's Avatar
    game_stalker Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 7, 2012, 08:48 AM
    OMG! I thought I was the only one on earth with this same problem. I often would find myself barking up trees and sniffing other peoples asses with no reculation of how I got there. When I would come to myself I would have a squirrel in my mouth or my head buried in someone's croch, it was so embarrassing. Walking by the park was no "walk in the park" I would steal peoples frisbees and balls then burry them under a bush. If you know a way to stop this madness please post back a cure before the next full moon!!

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