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Standards and LANS
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I need help with this... a) I know that LANS are Large Area Networks... But why do LANS have distance limitations b) What is the difference between the IEEE 802.2, 802.3, and 802.5 standards?
Ethical standards
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What is ethical standards??
Standards for Others too High?
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I have noticed that I have a strong personal bias against people who cheat in relationships. I hear people talking up their "activities, and it makes me disgusted with them. I often feel like I have no use for these types of people in my life. I know their decisions do not reflect on me, but...
What are your dating standards
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Dear everyone, I am just curious to see what does everyone look for from the other person. What attracts and what are the turn-offs? Everyone has some preference and standards, although things might not work the way we expect. Right? Thanks for sharing.:) View more questions Search