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Sears Craftsman lawn mower, honda engine, engine starts then shuts off
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Mower starts on first pull then dies when choke returns to normal. Mower has only been used twice
HELP! 1991 honda civic check engine light and engine sputtering
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1991 Civic EX. I was driving along today and all of a sudden the engine cuts out, check engine light comes on and sputters and is running rough. I'm thinking something fuel related, as I have had intermittent problems getting it started over the past 6 months (3 or 4 times) where it cranks but acts...
Engine dies while driving and engine doesn't turn on restart honda 98 civic
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I have a 98 civic lx with a manual and tonight I was driving and the car just turn off on me while driving at 70km/h in 4th gear. Then tried boosting the battery but every time I tried to start it the engine didn't even turn at all. Some possiblilities I thought of was that the battery is...
My 16 hp vanguard engine made a terrible racket inside the engine no longer runs, why
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Mower was running fine, started making a noise inside engine, lost power, noise returned, and engine died. No longer will start, just spins. Is the engine trashed or possibly fixable? View more questions Search