Dogs Expert
Oct 26, 2011, 05:26 AM
I have an idea!
I have an idea for a web site. I am NOT computer savy in the least. Where would I go find out if this would be a good idea, if someone has already done this, and how much does it usually cost to get started with things like these? What would I need to know, and does anyone have any helpful tips?
New Member
Dec 7, 2011, 08:55 PM
There is a website that does this for free in a Fool-Proof editor which is Excellent for Newbies...
Go to www.Webs.com make a profile and create a website with the basic templates then edit it to what you want, it is that simple...
Dogs Expert
Dec 8, 2011, 04:41 AM
Thanks Demonicdan! Very helpful info!
New Member
Dec 9, 2011, 05:43 AM
Happy to help...
New Member
Feb 1, 2012, 04:26 AM
1.The US Patent office is a good place to start to see if your idea has already been implemented. Check there site, just Google it.
2. Second if it has not been registered or used, you can either create a site using some free templates or have someone create it for you (inexpensive). Sites like Wix or Intuit can help.
3. Develop a name /Domain for your site and register it, it's cheap. Ie.. GoDaddy or Yahoo or hostgator.
4. Write out everything that you want in the site and where you want it. Brain storm and draw windows of where you want pics and what you want it to do.
5.Call some web designers using the numbers on their site and ask for Mock design idea of what your looking for, just to see.
These steps will help to reduce costs as you will be developing and building this step by step to maximize resources and information while increasing cost efficiencies. You can actually do this yourself with no computer Savy and pay less than $100.00. I know I design site myself and have more than 300 domains! Hope this helps.
Dogs Expert
Feb 1, 2012, 09:23 AM
Great info Lance! Thanks a bunch!
New Member
Mar 12, 2012, 09:55 PM
If you are not computer savvy, then you will need to hire a company and tell them all about your idea. The are steps you need to make before designing a web site, you need to check for domain availability, pick a good hosting. You will be required to do a lot Internet search, and you need to use the right keywords because of search engine algorithms.
To do good Internet search, you need to understand how search engine algorithms or keywords work, you may search for a company with your ideas and never fins it, only to find in later stage that it does exist. Try this web design company www.thefcompany.com you can explain your idea to them and they will do the rest for you. And all this could be just under $100.00. Hope this helps.
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