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Weird taste in my mouth after tongue piercing
[ 1 Answers ]
Ok well I noticed it two days after I got it done. I've had it for a total of 5 days now. I have braces too and I don't know If that could cause it as well. My tongue really doesn't hurt, just sore. I'm able to eat normally(but slowly). I brush my teeth and use crest pro health alcohol free mouth...
My tongue has a weird taste after my peircing
[ 14 Answers ]
:confused: Okay I've had my tongue peirced for about a week and a half now and it feels fine and it doesn't hurt at all. But, I have this weird taste in my mouth and the barbell for some reason feels kinda cold is this a sign of infection if so should I switch to a titanium barbell?
I have a powdery taste in my mouth. Later, it changes to a metallic taste?
[ 3 Answers ]
I get a powdery (like baby powder) taste in my mouth. I taste it every time my tongue touches my lips. About an hour later, it changes to a metallic taste and then back to powder. I am female and am not on any medication that could cause this.
Magazine Website: Getting info from my client.
[ 2 Answers ]
I do this magazine website of lots of text with hyperlinks in them. My client sends me the updates in MS Word, which I convert to html and add to the site. Besides each of learning how to use a CMS with the site - or my teaching them how to use Dreamweaver to type up their stuff - is there an... View more questions Search